Charlottesville community activist, Tanesha Hudson, was deliberately barred from speaking on the City-produced Cville360, “a video program designed to inform and engage the community.”

Cville360 is hosted by Charlottesville’s Director of Communications, Brian Wheeler, who personally and intentionally disallowed a comment from Ms. Hudson on the May 19 edition of the program. In doing so, Wheeler cited Hudson’s comments at the previous night’s City Council meeting, wherein Hudson directed personal remarks toward City Councilor, Heather Hill, Wheeler’s then-guest on Cville360.

In a June 23 Facebook Live post, Ms. Hudson referenced: suing the City; her attorney, Jeff (presumably Jeff Fogel); the City’s offer of a “settlement” and an “apology”; and Ms. Hudson’s intention to forego the City’s offers and take the case to court.

Charlottesville City previously was sued by Joe Draego, who prevailed against the government in a First-Amendment-based lawsuit.

h/t Carole Thorpe


  1. IMO, this was an egregious violation of Ms. Hudson’s rights by Brian Wheeler — and I predict an extremely expensive one for city taxpayers should she follow through with her promise to sue, which I believe she will.

    The fact that City officials requested and got a meeting with her during which, she says, they offered her a settlement before she even FILED a suit speaks volumes about how poor they know their chances will be in court. The videotape of Mr. Wheeler, I think, makes this a slam dunk — and they are rightly scared. He brazenly expanded his job as Director of Communications to “Grand Gatekeeper” here. Mr. Wheeler should not be throwing himself like a human shield between elected officials and their constituents.

  2. Make no mistake, Charlottesville will pay using the play money they receive from Albemarle in the revenue sharing agreement.

  3. Next up: Woman Who Refuses to Keep a Civil Tongue in Her Head and is Consequently Not Allowed on Schilling Show Sues for “First Amendment” Violation!

  4. I strongly suspect that Ms Hudson would have been invited on had she been willing to engage in civil discourse. Unfortunately the city council has allowed disruptive yelling and shouting in their meetings until it has somehow become a ‘right’.

  5. BTW, KTD. Tanesha Hudson has been a guest on The Schilling Show. No lawsuit necessary.

  6. Rob, it’s to your credit that you will have as guests people you disagree with. But you miss the point. You warn callers that you won’t tolerate incivility, and Cville360 has that same right. The First Amendment gives people the right to say whatever they want; it doesn’t require anyone else to give them a platform from which to say it. This is basic civics, basic Constitutional literacy.

  7. Actually, you are missing the point. If Cville360 has the “same right,” then why is the City reportedly offering a payout and an apology? The City has not shied away from defending themselves in the past.

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