perriello-filmstrip“Pandering Tom” Perriello is wasting no time capitalizing on the July 31, 2009 Daily Progress story: Forged letters to congressman anger local groups. The article chronicles letters sent to the Congressman’s office on NAACP and Creciendo Juntos letterhead—letters which subsequently were discovered to be forgeries.


In an email communique to panderees (copied below), Perriello spokesman, Jessica Barba says that the counterfeit correspondences were “an attempt to deceive and manipulate Congressman Perriello into opposing crucial legislation.”

From: Jessica Barba, Perriello for Congress <>
Date: Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 4:17 PM
Subject: How Low Can They Go?

Dear Gullible Constituent,

This morning, the Daily Progress reported that letters sent to Congressman Perriello’s Washington, D.C. office in opposition to legislation promoting clean energy and green jobs were forged by a lobbyist.  The letters purported to be from respected community organizations.  In reality, an unscrupulous lobbyist stole the logos and reputations of these groups in an attempt to deceive and manipulate Congressman Perriello into opposing crucial legislation.

On Tuesday, Tom wrote asking for you to help support our rapid response efforts.  Today’s article makes clear the depths to which our opponents will stoop. The difference could not be more stark between Tom’s people-powered campaign for the common good and the underhanded tactics of special interests.

Its time to show them that we simply will not stand for it.  Make today the day of your first time gift of just $10 and show the special interests that we won’t ignore their dirty tricks.

Astroturf could never compare to the true grassroots.  Please help us show the special interests what real grassroots, people-powered campaign looks like.

Thanks for being a part of this campaign,

Jessica Barba

P.S. – There is no time to lose!  Make your first time gift of just $10 today so we can immediately put your money to use to build our grassroots army!

Paid for and authorized by Perriello for Congress


The June 16, 2009 forged letter, as displayed in the Daily Progress story, urges the Congressman to vote against Cap and Trade legislation. But on June 26, 2009, Tom Perriello cast his vote in support of the Cap and Trade bill.

So, if Congressman Perriello saw these letters before the June 26 vote, and did not know then that they were fake, he obviously disregarded Creciendo Juntos’ and the NAACP’s supposed request to vote “NO” on Cap and Trade.

If he did not see and thus was not personally aware of the letters, then they could not have influenced his vote.

In either instance, the letters could not possibly have “deceived” or “manipulated” the Congressman into “opposing crucial legislation.” Remember, Tom Perriello cast an unequivocal “YES” vote for the anti-American Cap and Trade legislation. No number of letters, faxes, emails or phone calls (and there were plenty) dissuaded him, no matter the source.


While the forgeries are a very serious issue, and the forgers should be punished, the injured party here, “Pandering Tom,” is not you, but Creciendo Juntos and the Albemarle Charlottesville Branch of the NAACP.

You and your campaign are not entitled to receive ‘pain and suffering’ compensation from this incident, Tom Perriello, because you have not proven any damages.

In the August 1, 2009 Daily Progress story, Investigation into forged letters planned, your spokesman, Jessica Barba states:

“If there is a way for [Creciendo Juntos and the Albemarle-Charlottesville NAACP] to get justice, then we will support that in any way”

There is a way, Jessica. You are hereby directed to transfer all donations received as a result of this shameful solicitation, to Creciendo Juntos and the Albemarle Charlottesville Branch of the NAACP, as they are the injured parties.

This court is adjourned.


  1. Congressman Perriello will be at the Ruckersville Elementary School on Monday Aug 10th from 6-8pm. My questions are ready- are yours?

  2. A glimpse into the career objective of the 5th. Congressional District’s Newbie Congressman can be found on the very first line of the posted email communique:

    “Jessica Barba, PERIELLO FOR CONGRESS ”
    ( Emphasis mine. )

    The fellow is a perpetual motion machine incorporating the latest in re-election technology and nothing more; so do not expect anything less.

    As an aside, over the years, we submitted several emails to the office of Representative Virgil Goode. Not ONE was ever replied to by a staffer using a “Goode For Congress” signature.

  3. @Josiah Quincy
    Thank you for explaining to me what this $10 is for. I couldn’t understand a congressman was forming a grassroots group to lobby him. It’s just money going into his re-election campaign fund.
    I also noticed how “general welfare” has now changed to “common good” by the Perriello total gobalist supporters and adopted by Jessica Barba. Now that it is clear, can contributors get their $10 back because they are victims of the fund-raising fraud? Since Washington is giving away money, can I get the $10 I didn’t give to him?

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