Under the “leadership” of Mayor Michael Signer, Charlottesville City Council meetings have devolved into chaotic scream-fests, laced with verbal and visual profanity—and crowned by defiance of the mayor’s procedural dictates.

Council’s June 5, 2017 meeting was the worst in a long line of descendingly lawless affairs. Racial “justice” groups repeatedly interrupted the meeting with chanting, singing, humming, and cursing, while Signer repeatedly answered offenders with feckless whining, pleading, cajoling, and capitulation.

Under the mayor’s direction—and as he compared the unfurling chaos to that of an unruly schoolyard— Charlottesville police officers were designated “hall monitors,” embarrassingly enlisted to observe for decorum violations.

Resultingly, several “matters by the public” speakers with unpopular topics were unable to deliver their remarks unmolested by the cultural fascists in attendance.

In a pretentious, self-serving 2017 “State of the City” address, the mayor congratulated himself on running more “effective” meetings:

We passed new governing procedures for our meeting Among other benefits, we brought work sessions that were previously held off camera into the public eye, and we focused our agendas and deliberations on action, rather than just talk.  Together, these steps have led to more engaging, efficient, and effective meetings.  [emphasis added]

Nothing could be further from the truth.

But in the delusional world of Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer—who fashions himself a modern-day James Madisoncalls for lawlessness and open defiance of established rules are the order of the day. And chaos reigns supreme.

Watch anarchy erupting in Charlottesville City Hall (profanity warning):



  1. You can argue that the procedures Signer established don’t increase effectiveness in the ways in which they were intended, or that their effectiveness is outweighed by the disruptions he allows. But to judge the procedures as without merit because of disruptions they don’t cause and aren’t designed to prevent isn’t even specious reasoning. It’s clearly illogical.

    Even when your basic criticism is on point, as it is here, you muddy it with a rhetorical cheap shot.

  2. Seems to me the entire activist community in C’ville is all about rhetorical cheap shots. I assume you watch the video and the abundance of social fingers on display. That was mild compared to the “eff you” coming from disruptors when they were dismissed.

    You would support those people if they burned half of Charlottesville because “sometimes civil disobedience is justified”. I don’t know Kessler from Adam but he and a handful of others seem to be the Lone Right Wing Rangers going up against both city hall and a plethora of Left Wing SJWs.

  3. Civil protest is one thing, but if you read my last sentence above, it should be clear that I don’t support SURJ. I think their behavior is juvenile, self-righteous and self-indulgent.

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