Sources deep within the bowels of the Charlottesville City Democrat machine have revealed the likely City Council replacements for Bob Fenwick and Kristin Szakos, whose terms end this year.

Amy Laufer, a present member and former chair of Charlottesville’s elected school board, is a top pick of Mayor Michael Signer. Laufer has political acumen, relatively high name recognition, and sufficient personal wealth to sustain what may be a hotly contested and expensive Democrat City Council primary.

In contrast, Signer’s other chosen councilor-in-waiting, is Heather Danforth Hill, a behind-the-scenes player and relative unknown outside of Charlottesville political circles. Hill served as Field Director for Signer’s primary campaign, and His Excellency will certainly reciprocate by blessing her candidacy should she decide to run.

And, in keeping with a longstanding Charlottesville Democrat policy, both candidates are white, precluding a black voting-bloc on City Council.

Fenwick, often a thorn in Signer’s side, is not expected to seek reelection. Having witnessed the Party-led impaling of like-minded Vice Mayor Dede Smith, also a major Signer irritant, Fenwick knows his chances of primary slot retention are poor at best.

Marxist activist, Szakos, is encountering three barriers to reelection:

  1. She’s reached the traditional two-term limit internally imposed on City Council Democrats (observed with very few exceptions).
  2. She’s achieved her goal of lining the pockets (to the tune of $264,484) of the Socialist Justice agitation group, Virginia Organizing, which is helmed by Szakos’ husband and fellow traveler, Joe.
  3. Her annoying personal manner—which precluded her becoming mayor—would not induce support from current councilors or potential running mates.

While former City Council hopeful Lena Seville—and others yet unnamed—may challenge Signer’s anointed duo of Laufer and Hill, their election, if Signer wills it is a fait accompli. And thus, Signer’s iron-fisted, velvet-gloved control over Charlottesville City Hall likely will continue for the remainder of his term.

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