Miraculous things have happened following a Schilling Show story on Jane Dittmar’s quiet dodging of Barack Obama’s toxic endorsement.

Democrat Dittmar almost immediately altered reality on her web site, which now shows a (previously absent) story on the Obama endorsement as having been published on October 24. In fact, the story was not there on October 24 (or on October 25), but rather was published on October 26—after the Schilling Show exposé—and then back-dated.

The tangled web of the Merry Marxist’s flailing candidacy for Virginia’s 5th Congressional District seat is best illustrated by the screen shots below:


Dittmar’s web site on 10/26, before Schilling Show exposé was published:



Dittmar’s web site on 10/26, after Schilling Show exposé was published:



  1. Senator Garrett had to somewhat downplay my endorsement of his campaign, but only because publicly, I did not endorse Trump. But Jane’s two big endorsements came in the closing weeks, after my endorsement of Garrett. It is as if she felt she needed to counter my unprecedented cross-party endorsement. But she realized the Obama endorsement would potentially hurt her, while my endorsement of Garrett would help him. So, that’s when they went out and dug up Benford to pose as “lifelong Republican”. Then that backfired on her. She had a series of things backfire on her in the final push: The open carry incident in Fluvanna, The Obama endorsement, Benford, and of course the teen-aged trolls attacking me on Facebook. Also, her entire “I am a mediator who will work across party lines”.

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