Jane Dittmar, running for Virginia’s fifth district congressional seat, has been endorsed by President Barack Obama.

But you’d never know it from browsing Dittmar’s web site.

Or by perusing her press releases.

Nearly two days after being reported in national and local media, Dittmar is strangely silent about the biggest endorsement she could possibly land from a fellow Democrat.

Why the reticence? The answer is simple: Obamacare.

Just released reports on the President’s signature health care initiative show it to be imploding in various ways—perhaps most visibly in the astounding rate of insurance premium increases projected for 2017.

Overall, rates will rise by 22% next year, with some soaring as high as 145% over the 2016 benchmark.

All of this is very bad news for the Merry Marxist, Jane Dittmar, significantly trailing in the polls, and who praised “Obamacare” as “amazing” during a recent debate with her Republican opponent, Tom Garrett.

That message won’t play well in Virginia’s economically devastated fifth district, where outside of Charlottesville, “Obamacare” is considered a four-letter word.

Jane’s problem is not unique as Obama has endorsed dozens more Democrat congressional office seekers. But in her uncommon silence, Jane Dittmar may have taken a lesson from the pages of fifth district history.

Her Democrat predecessor, Tom Perriello, who just couldn’t say “no” to an endorsement by and joint appearance with Barack Obama in 2010, paid the price for his political arrogance—and was rejected by the voters after just a single term.

Dittmar, well aware of Perriello’s electoral embarrassment, has chosen to take the low (profile) road—ignoring the endorsement of President Barack Obama…and hoping that nobody notices.

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