Fifth District Congressional Candidate, Jane Dittmar (or someone posting in her name), went off half-cocked in response to a Trump/Pence supporter open-carrying while shooting the breeze in the proximity of Dittmar’s Fluvanna County headquarters.

Faced with the scary scenario of an otherwise straight shooter exercising 2nd Amendment rights while passing out Bibles to passersby in her sights, faster than a speeding bullet, “Jane for Congress” posted picture and warning to Facebook friends, along with loaded advice for rapid-fire calls to 911:

Jane for Congress: We’d like you to be aware of a situation at our Fluvanna County campaign office. There is a Trump supporter who has been sitting outside of our Fluvanna campaign office who is armed. We have alerted local law enforcement who are monitoring the situation. If you feel uncomfortable at all, we encourage you to call 911 or contact us at 434-218-2120. Everyone please stay safe.


Some Facebook followers accused Dittmar of jumping the gun over the citizen’s peaceful, legal display:

April Palmer: Are you serious? We met this guy & he was very calm & nice. He had a lot of support from bystanders as well. Do you know the laws in va about open carry? He did nothing wrong.


“Jane for Congress” denied taking aim at the legality of the man’s actions but then justified the call for emergency reporting as being on-target:

Jane for Congress: Hi April, we are aware that he is currently obeying the law. However, we must warn our volunteers so that they can make appropriate decisions for themselves. Thank you.


While Gentle Jane’s initial law enforcement notification could be rationalized out of an abundance of caution, her loose cannon encouragement for multiple redundant calls could have placed the subject in a dangerous crossfire.

Like her national doppelgänger, Hillary Clinton, Jane Dittmar claims to support the 2nd Amendment, lock, stock, and barrel:

Right To Bear Arms: Second Amendment Rights

Jane recognizes that guns are a vital part of the lives of many residents of the 5th District, and she strongly supports the right of law-abiding citizens to own guns and engage responsibly in gun related activities. However, she also believes that we cannot continue to sit idly by while mass murders continue in our country.

But “Jane for Congress’s” hair trigger, scattershot overreaction to an “armed man” widely missed the mark—and it is bulletproof evidence of her campaign’s true feelings on firearm ownership and use in modern American society.


  1. The guy had a right to carry, but having the right doesn’t always make it right. Trump has twice noted that Clinton could be shot. Of course Dittmar was worried.

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