The Schilling Show is disappointed to report that former 5th District Congressman, Virgil Goode, will not be running to recapture his seat in 2010, according to this statement from the Goode Campaign:

Statement by Virgil Goode, Jr.

FOR RELEASE on July 27, 2009

I sincerely appreciate the privilege accorded to me by the citizens of Virginia’s Fifth District to serve them in the U.S. House of Representatives from January 1997 to January 2009, and I am especially grateful to those who voted for and supported me in past elections.

I have decided not to seek the Republican nomination for Congress in 2010.+ It is my hope and expectation that Republicans will nominate a conservative who will oppose the record deficits and debt of the current administration, will support secure borders and oppose amnesty for illegals, will recognize and reduce the huge threat that terrorists pose for our country, will support pro-life issues, and will support the traditional definition of marriage of one man and one woman.+ I look forward to supporting and working for that candidate in 2010.

Thank you for your service to the 5th District and to this nation, Congressman Goode.


  1. When a great Virginian like Virgil Goode no longer thinks it is worthwhile to run for Congress, Virginians and especially the GOP need to take notice.

    For the lack of 727 votes, Virgil could have won last time. What has changed?

    The 2010 election will be a much lower turn-out, Perry-Yellow will not have the Obama coattails to ride and there will be tighter controls of fraudulent voting in the Charlottesville precincts.

    Any credible candidate who stands for enhancing our liberty and a return to Constitutional government should be able to win the Fifth District, with just grass roots support, especially in an off presidential year election.

    Maybe Bob Marshall will move over to the Fifth and take back that seat.

  2. Rob Schilling should seriously consider running for this seat in 2010. My only
    advice to Rob is to rent(rent to buy?) a camper to campaign with the family.
    I hope Rob will start a speaking and true listening tour of the 5th Congressional
    District starting with the radius of his radio show. If Rob chooses not to run,
    there is Bill Hay of the Jefferson Tea Party. Test the waters, Rob.

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