Schilling-Show-70s-Logo-150x150In the wake of a nasty legal battle regarding the Water Street Garage, between Charlottesville City Hall and the Charlottesville Parking Center (CPC), the skirmish has turned personal.

In recent broadcast and print media appearances, Charlottesville City Councilor Bob Fenwick has become increasingly personally critical of CPC owner, Mark Brown.

But, Brown says the relationship hasn’t always been that way.

Emails provided by Brown to The Schilling Show include Fenwick’s glowing introduction of Brown to former City Councilor Dede Smith.

And, another electronic correspondence from Fenwick to Brown referred to a proposed budget and subsequent funding request for Fenwick’s 2013 campaign for City Council.

While both Fenwick and Brown—and their respective entities— state that they are legally precluded from appearing jointly, The Schilling Show will continue to cover the ongoing dispute serially, as information becomes available.


  1. Mark Brown's appearance on the Schilling Show provided many answers
    To the farrago of public relations nonsense put out by the city of Charlottesville
    In the matter of the parking garage .

    Mr. Brown is not one to turn the other cheek , or remain silent , in the face
    Of the public and personal invective he is shown by city officials.

    It is noted that City councilor Bob Fenwick seems not to know Mr Brown
    and has referred to him variously as an "outsider" , or "this person"
    Surprise surprise surprise ….Mr Fenwick not only knows Mr Brown
    But solicited him for a campaign contribution and conveniently showed
    Mr Brown how to structure it.

    So much for Mr Fenwicks sense of transparency in government .

    Better is Mr Browns revelation of Mr Fenwicks's going door to door
    On the downtown mall to dissuade members of the DBAC from supporting
    George Banford of the DBAC.

    Finally Mr. Brown does his public service letting everyone , and Mr Fenwick
    know that the word pecuniary sounds very weighty , but in reality means
    little beyond the idea of financial interest .

    Mr Brown's appearance , and Dave Norris appearance earlier on the Schilling
    show provided a much needed response to the parking garage issue ,
    and the larger issue of the current state parking downtown.

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