Schilling-Show-70s-Logo-150x150The Blue Spade (aka Scott Bandy) returns with another musical parody—this time a musical analysis of Charlottesville City Hall’s dreaded Prius Patrol.

Sung to the tune of Joni Mitchell’s Big Yellow Taxi (and in the style of Amy Grant’s version), Bandy warns Charlottesville residents and visitors alike of the predatory jackboots in their little white government-issued Priuses—and details the utter havoc they wreak with their government-issued citation pads.

The song was performed live on the May 20 edition of WINA’s The Schilling Show.


The Prius Patrol
By Scott Bandy

For two hours a spot, parking meters should soon be back
On the Downtown Mall, from West Main to Coal Tower Stack
T’ween the left hand and the right
Do your eyes go from one over the next
For two hours a spot, parking meters should soon be back

Youth atop the frame of a rusting Landmark Hotel
Snapshooting a spell
while the fire and bike lanes below swell
T’ween the left hand and the right
Do your eyes go from one over the next
For two hours a spot, parking meters should soon be back

Hey lawyer, lawyer –  pending case about parking space
and business saving face
either Brown or the City’s off Base …… (Base)
T’ween the left hand and the right
Do your eyes go from one over the next
For two hours a spot, parking meters should soon be back
For two hours a spot, parking meters should soon be back

T’ween the left hand and the right
Do your eyes go from one over the next
For two hours a spot, parking meters should soon be back

Over next door, neighbor’s like a sailor cursin’
The Prius patrol citing him for a non-reg lawn sign
T’ween the left hand and the right
Do your eyes go from one over the next
For two hours a spot, parking meters should soon be back

T’ween the left hand and the right
Do your eyes go from one over the next
For two hours to park, unarm bandits should soon be back

Oh the humanity! – parking tickets too on their way back
Yeah, reach for it! – parking meters should soon be back


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