Anti-Israel resolution Charlottesville City Council The Schilling Show

 A resolution before the Charlottesville City Council, entitled “Calling for An Immediate Ceasefire and An End to Violence in Israel and Palestine,” was defeated on a 3-2 vote Monday night.
Before a room stacked with vociferant resolution supporters, Councilors Michael Payne and Natalie Oschrin, read the document aloud:

WHEREAS, the people of Charlottesville recognize that all human life is precious, and that the targeting of any civilian under any circumstance is a violation of international human-rights law;
WHEREAS, Gaza and Israel have already experienced tremendous loss of life, displacement, and violence, and hundreds of thousands of lives are at imminent risk;
WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville has a longstanding tradition of being a welcoming city for refugees and understanding the challenges faced by those displaced by conflict,
WHEREAS, the United States Federal Government holds immense diplomatic and appropriations powers to save Palestinian and Israeli lives; and
WHEREAS, to date, over 65 U.S. cities, including Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Durham, Harrisonburg, San Francisco, and Seattle, have adopted resolutions urgently calling for a ceasefire in Israel and Palestine; and
WHEREAS, the billions spent in United States funding for this conflict could be allocated toward mitigating crises in our own community, including the funding of deeply affordable housing, public health, job training, and education;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Charlottesville urges the Biden administration and all elected officials in the United States Senate and House of Representatives
who represent this community to call for and make all efforts to facilitate:
1. an immediate, sustained, and comprehensive ceasefire in Israel and Palestine;
2. the immediate and safe release of all hostages; and
3. the immediate entry and provision of humanitarian aid needed for the people of Gaza, at the scale required to save the maximum number of lives.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Charlottesville values the harmony that exists in our diverse community, and advocates for the dignity and safety of all residents, regardless of religion, race, or nation of origin; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Charlottesville City Council asks the City Clerk that copies of this Resolution be quickly forwarded to the President of the United States, Joe Biden;
Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner; and Representative Bob Good.

Upon conclusion of the reading, Councilors Payne and Oschrin voted in favor; while, Mayor Juandiego Wade, Vice-Mayor Brian Pinkston, and councilor Lloyd Snook voted against.
Following the vote, hisses and catcalls filled the room. Supporters holding coordinated signs, jeered the council, with one voice audibly labeling the dissenting councilors as “cowards.”
In an email review of the events surrounding the resolution’s proposal and defeat, supporter (and possible originator) David Swanson, belied the document’s underlying anti-Israel sentiment by including the following: 

There is an urgent need for every voice to prevent an invasion of southern Gaza. The International Court of Justice has ordered Israel to cease killing and causing injury to Palestinians. The court is proceeding to try Israel for the crime of genocide.

After years of foolish dabbling in national and international political issues via stilted and inflammatory “resolutions,” Charlottesville City Council finally said “no” to ill-intentioned and ill-behaved Leftist totalitarians.

Council did the right thing, even if by the slimmest of margins.


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