Gurley Youngkin Charlottesville flag order The Schilling Show

Charlottesville City Schools (CCS), a bastion of progressive resistance and political leftism, has once again defied a directive from Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin.

On October 8, Governor Youngkin issued an Order for flags to be flown half-staff in honor of the myriad lives lost in Israel during the recent terrorist attacks:

Subject:  Governor’s Flag Order – October 8, 2023

Commonwealth of Virginia
Office of Governor Glenn Youngkin

Governor’s Order for the Commonwealth of Virginia

In accordance with the authority vested in me as Governor, I hereby order that the flags of the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Virginia be flown at half-staff on all state and local buildings and grounds to honor the lives lost in the horrific terror attack committed against Israel and to hold those injured and held hostage in our thoughts.

I hereby order that the flags shall be lowered immediately on Sunday, October 8, 2023, and remain at half-staff until sunset on Saturday, October 14, 2023. 

Ordered on this, the 8th day of October, 2023.

Glenn Youngkin

Gov. Youngkin Israel Flag Order The Schilling Show


Following a principal insider tip, a spot-check of Charlottesville City Schools yielded disturbing results.

Walker Upper Elementary / CCS Central Office (administrative headquarters)

Out of several checked, CCS Central Office was the only location adhering to the Governor’s Flag Order. Both the United States and Virginia flags were flying at half-staff, as directed. Clearly, the Division was aware of the mandate.

Charlottesville High School (CHS)

Charlottesville High School flag order The Schilling Show

CHS was visited at various times throughout the day. On all occasions, there were NO flags flying on either of the twin flagpoles at the building’s main entry. This leads to several possible conclusions:

  • The flags just happened to be “down” for routine maintenance
  • Someone stole the flags
  • Charlottesville High School no longer flies flags at its entry point
  • Charlottesville Principal, Rashaad Pitt, ordered the flags removed in order to avoid the Governor’s Order and an appurtenant political disruption at the school

Greenbrier Elementary School

Greenbrier Elementary flag order The Schilling Show

The American and Virginia flags were flying normal height over Greenbrier, in defiance of the Governor’s Flag Order.

Burnley-Moran Elementary School

Burnley-Moran flag order The Schilling Show

The American and Virginia flags were flying normal height over Burnley-Moran, in defiance of the Governor’s Flag Order.

Venable Elementary School

Venable flag order The Schilling Show

Venable flag order The Schilling Show
At first glance, no flags were visible at the entrance of Venable. Further investigation revealed two flag poles enmeshed in and enveloped by trees, to the left of the school’s main entry.

Venable flag order The Schilling Show

At the top of each pole, was respectively, an American and a Virginia flag. However, both flags appear to have been neglected for so long that branches had intertwined with each, making the flags not only invisible from the street, but also practically inaccessible for routine flag protocols.

Sources from within CCS report that normal notification conventions regarding Flag Orders (of which there have been dozens in recent years) were bypassed for this particular instance. The question is: why?

In defying the Governor’s Flag Order, Charlottesville City Schools and Superintendent Royal Gurley, have confirmed their disdain for authority. In doing so they have greatly disrespected not only the victims of barbarism in Israel, but also the American flag and all it represents.


  1. According to the Flag Code. A public law passed by Cingress, the Flag should be displayed near or in every public school.

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