Matt Haas, Ed.D., the failed leader of the flailing Albemarle County Public Schools (ACPS), has opined on the Supreme Court’s recent anti-racial-discrimination rulings.

In accordance with his previous maniacal, leftist political ramblings (admiration for Saul Alinsky and condemnation of the United States Constitution), fellow traveler Haas uses the Court’s solidly constitutional decision to promote his Division’s own racial Ponzi scheme, wherein the soft bigotry of low expectations reigns supreme.

Haas and company’s institutionally racist policies, dumbed down grading ploy, and lax academic disciplinary procedures have led to embarrassingly poor performance for a Division that previously excelled.

Like his incapacitated mentor-from-a-far, Joe Biden, Superintendent Haas’s deficient attempt to cash-in (virtue signal) on a national political battle has foundered miserably, not unlike many of the students he oversees in ACPS.

Read Superintendent Matt Haas’s torturously self-aggrandizing response to the Supreme Court’s true-anti-racist rulings:

From: Albemarle County Public Schools
Date: June 30, 2023 at 4:00:15 PM EDT
Subject: Message from the Superintendent
Reply-To: Albemarle County Public Schools 

Dear School Community Members:

Yesterday’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to override previous court decisions that upheld the use of affirmative action in achieving equity and diversity in university admissions does not have a direct impact on our school division enrollment. It does, however, conflict with a core value.

Our strategic plan makes clear what our responsibility is to all of those who live in our community and attend our schools. That responsibility is to work together as a team to end the predictive value of race, class, gender, and special capacities in ensuring that every student succeeds. To that end, one of our core values is equity, which demands from us, as a school community, that we provide every student with the level of support necessary to thrive.

Yesterday’s decision by the Supreme Court does not change the strength or the integrity of our commitment to this outcome. It will not alter the faithfulness of our determination, also expressed in our strategic plan, to ensure the academic and social-emotional development of all students through the elimination of gaps in opportunity, access and achievement.

We are a community comprised of families and students from more than 95 countries, enriched by cultures and traditions that broaden our knowledge and appreciation of excellence beyond our own life experiences. Making it possible for each of us to fulfill our highest potential makes it possible for our community and our nation to fulfill its highest potential.

The ideals of inclusion and equal opportunity, and actions to remove the barriers that deny these ideals, should and must unite us all.


Dr. Matthew Haas, Superintendent


  1. I am so glad I left Albemarle to move to Bedford. ACPS will be another school bus driver short. I couldn’t work for a system under Haas and look at myself in the mirror anymore. I never read my county email, but his last message in regards to the Supreme Court ruling went out on my personal email and texts. He thinks he is above the Supreme Court. I wish Governor Youngkin had the stones to cut off funding to ACPS. Haas is a cancer to ACPS.

  2. If our public schools did a better job of educating black children, affirmative action would not be necessary.

  3. Add some Martin Luther King, Jr. to his reading list with King’s emphasis on the importance of character and intelligence versus the color of skin.

    The African American community and economically disadvantaged families of all races should be calling for his ouster. He has failed all children and especially the children of those families.

  4. What do you do when you have been shown the value of your policies and procedures have been detrimental to your enlisted employers? If your this guy you double down on the same failed policies?

  5. It is totally reasonable to insist on equality of opportunity (think equality of input) but it is not reasonable and realistic to insist on equity (think equality of results, ie outcome). To put it another way, every effort should be made to eliminate any variables when it comes to the opportunity to enter a process. There are, however, way too many variables involved, ability, inclination, and effort, to name a few, when it comes to end results. Let’s imagine a hypothetical school in which every member of the student body has the same opportunity to be on the basketball team. Would it be realistic to expect that every student would make the team and end up producing the exact same performance statistics at the end of the season?

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