In a certain harbinger of end-times apostasy, a local “collective” of pseudo-religious “faith” leaders is promoting abortion.

The latest weekly email newsletter of the Charlottesville Clergy Collective contains a fundraising blurb in support of the Blue Ridge Abortion Fund:

The Fund’s demonic mission is exposed on its website, as follows:

We believe funding abortion is an act of radical care and that all community members should have the agency and the resources to make their own decisions about their bodies and lives.

The sin-sick souls of the Collective and their affiliated churches/organizations are exchanging the truth for a lie in unapologetically advocating for the licentious dismemberment of God’s highest creation.

While the Collective does not publish membership, the following associations are listed on the depraved group’s home page and can could be assumed allied (see story updates below):

  • Aldersgate United Methodist Church
  • All Souls Charlottesville
  • Baha’i of Charlottesville
  • Bethel Church of God in Christ
  • Broadus Memorial Baptist
  • Buck Mountain Episcopal Church Earlysville
  • Charlottesville Church of Christ
  • Charlottesville Friends Meeting
  • Charlottesville Mennonite
  • Christian Science Church
  • Church of Our Saviour
  • Ebenezer Baptist
  • First Presbyterian
  • First United Methodist
  • Hinton Ave. United Methodist
  • Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville
  • Islamic Society of Central Virginia
  • Mt. Zion First African Baptist
  • New Beginnings Christian Community
  • Oak Chapel Baptist, Orange
  • Olivet Presbyterian
  • Peace Lutheran, ELCA
  • Peakland Baptist, Lynchburg
  • Sojourner’s United Church of Christ
  • St. Mark Lutheran
  • St. Paul’s Episcopal
  • Tabor Presbyterian
  • The Cloud Floating Free Sangha
  • Trinity Episcopal
  • Trinity Presbyterian
  • Unitarian Universalist Church
  • Unity of Charlottesville
  • University Baptist
  • Wesley Memorial United Methodist
  • Westminster Presbyterian

The racially disproportionate practice of abortion in America is akin to genocide. Like the Charlottesville pastor who once blasphemously claimed that affirmative abortion decisions could be inspired by the Holy Spirit, these leaders and their congregations will be held accountable for such atrocities at the Great White Throne judgment.

UPDATE 8/16/2022 2:18 PM: Dr. Alvin Edwards, Pastor, Mt. Zion First African Baptist, clarifies that his church does not support abortion.

UPDATE 8/16/2022 5:41 PM: Jesse Robinson, Pastor for Community Life, Trinity Presbyterian Church, states: “We are not affiliated with the Clergy Collective. I do not know why our church is listed other than its inclusion as a local option for worship.” “Trinity has always been a vigorous supporter of crisis pregnancy centers. In fact, for a time a Trinity elder was the executive director of LifeSpring, the local pregnancy center here.”

UPDATE 8/21/2022 2:27 PM: Minister Connie Clark, of Buck Mountain Episcopal, clarifies that her church is not a member of the Charlottesville Clergy Collective.

UPDATE 8/21/2022 2:44 PM: Following publication of this story, the Charlottesville Clergy Collective has added the following disclaimer to their web site: “Visit/Subscribe to these congregation’s online pages for worship, studies, and/or devotions! This list was compiled during the pandemic at the request of congregation leaders to promote their online services. Congregations on this list in no way endorse any CCC public statements or any content that appears in our weekly newsletter.”


  1. Oak Chapel Baptist, Orange believes we should speak on behalf of the unborn and contend for the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. The sacredness of human personality is evident in that God created man in His own image, and in that Christ died for man; therefore, every person of every race possesses full dignity and is worthy of respect and Christian love. Therefore, in the spirit of Christ, we also oppose racism.

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