Documents obtained by The Schilling Show reveal a deceptive plot between Charlottesville City officials and representatives of the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center (Jefferson Center), regarding the Robert E. Lee statue.
In an earlier story broken by The Schilling Show, court filings were exposed, which indicated that the Lee statue had been dismembered almost immediately following the City’s now-contested transfer of the statue to the Jefferson Center. A contract between the two entities stipulated that Lee ultimately would be melted-down and repurposed into “art that reflects the community’s values.” However, the speed at which the intended destruction of Lee was accomplished shocked observers of the process.
Information gleaned under an open records request shows the City and the Jefferson Center colluding to surreptitiously destroy the Lee statue, on City property (Charlottesville City Yard on Avon Street), and then consorting to secretly transport the broken brass remains to a foundry—all without notification of the public, the media, or other interested parties.
In a December 16, 2021 email, Christian Breeden, the project’s designated “construction point-of-contact,” sent pictures of the transportation truck and trailer and the dismantled monument pieces, along with a suggested game plan:
From: Christian Breeden
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2021 9:44 AM
To: Schmidt, Jalane; Dean, Jonathan
Cc: Durrette, Tito; Morris, Shawn; Spence, Philip; Marshall, Ashley
Subject: RE: Storage Removal Logistics Follow-up
Hi everybody,
Above are images of the type of truck and trailer used by the bronze contractor. It’s rented equipment being picked up today, so the actual vehicle is not pictured. In going over their plan, I noticed that the use of a shipping container has changed to an open trailer, with special attention being given to covering and concealing the load in a discreet way. They’ve confirmed having the insurance and workman’s comp required. I expect to fwd by the end of today. ( I’ve added my comments on the process in blue) [emphasis added]
Friday: 3:PM United Rental Equipment delivered to yard behind city lot (1 boomlift 8k) Contractor’s plan is to avoid moving granite pieces in front of bronze (circled in yellow) by laying statue onto grass behind for initial cuts. If we foresee laying bronze fwd onto gravel as optimal, Friday after 3 may be the best time to move 4 Jackson granite pieces with United Boomlift
Saturday: 12:PM Arrive at city yard 12-1:30 Ascertain situation and plan 1:30 Move Equipment in 2:pm-5:30 Dismantle/Load The first step is literally one of the highest profile moments of this operation…Laying the statue down on it’s side. We plan to be aware of and adapt to the environment in the PW yard Saturday afternoon. This is the contractor’s first look at the statue. If possible, we may include staging the piece on it’s side Saturday evening in preparation for a full day’s work.
Sunday: 8:30 AM Complete dismantle
Load and tarp trailer Depart city lot by 5PM Monday: United Equipment picks up Boomlift
In a follow up same-day email, Breeden details the clandestine “dismantling” plan:
From: Christian Breeden <>
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2021 8:26 PM
To: Dean, Jonathan; Schmidt, Jalane
Cc: Durrette, Tito; Morris, Shawn; Spence, Philip; Marshall, Ashley
Subject: RE: Storage Removal Logistics Follow-upThank you Mr Dean, That’s great news. Our contractor is set to drive to Charlottesville tomorrow. I do need to update the contractor to a 3 person team, with myself as a 4th worker supporting their efforts. Do you think it’s necessary for me to be onsite for the United Rental drop off, or would your personal receive the boomlift?
This is the “Scope of work” provided by our contractor:
We will lay down, dismantle, and load the statue using electric grinders and saws. We will use an extended boom lift to lower and load the piece. We will then strap, cover, and leave. [emphasis added]
The status is “go” on our end, Christian
Correspondence between the parties further indicated that City representatives would be on-site during the de-construction process to “oversee the contractor’s work” and for “security purposes.”
As referenced in obtained contracts, presumably, Lee’s defiled remnant has been transported to Vinnetti’s Gallery and Foundry, where it either has experienced or awaits its ultimate desecration: meltdown.
While recently enacted Virginia State Code § 15.2-1812 provides for the “removing, relocating, contextualizing, or covering” of publicly owned monuments or memorials, it does not appear to allow localities to facilitate their destruction, as was done here.
The City and Jefferson Center’s undercover connivance to covertly and preemptively annihilate Lee—on City property and under City supervision—appears wholly and clearly in violation of Virginia State Code. Those who conspired to circumvent the law should be held personally liable for their violations. Sadly, it might be too late to save Lee’s statue from the dire consequences of their despotic actions.
This is racism pure and simple. All you have to do is think, if it was a black leader taken down by whites the city would be on fire. But since we have black racists in charge and virtue signaling whites who go along with the plan, and frankly whites who are too cowardly to speak up and allow this racist attack on our history this socialism and racism is allowed to occur at our expense. All tolled from the beginning of this controversy to now it has cost the taxpayers probably over ten million dollars and for what?… to appease the militant racists in this town. And you fools stood by and allowed it to happen….this won’t end here, wait till they take something that YOU believe in. I and many others will turn our backs on you. I can’t wait till they repurpose it into a statue of George Floyd, then it will be OUR turn…..
Great investigative journalism. Well done Rob.
Who knows what will come of the civil lawsuit against the city. Maybe nothing a judge can do.
But incoming Attorney General Miyares rummaging through the criminal statutes can surely a law to do justice here.
[…] passed. Within two weeks—as we now know thanks to a conservative Christian blog, the Schilling Report—specialists from a Tennessee bronze foundry dismantled the statue at a city yard out by […]