A verified complaint and petition for injunction has been filed on behalf of Trevilian Station Battlefield Foundation, Inc., and The Ratcliffe Foundation (plaintiffs), against the Charlottesville City Council, and the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, Inc. (defendants)

The complaint alleges that the Charlottesville City Council illegally voted to award the previously removed statue of Robert E. Lee to the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center (Jefferson Center), which expressly stated intention to “melt down” Lee’s statue and repurpose it into another form of public “art.”

In making the award, the complaint accuses the City Council of violating Virginia’s Dillon Rule, the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and Virginia procurement laws.

Most damning, perhaps, is the admission of Jefferson Center counsel that the Lee Monument already has been moved to a “foundry” and is “broken up.”

The plaintiffs’ injunction seeks to void the resolution awarding Lee to the Jefferson Center and asks for the City to pay to repair and restore the Lee Monument to its prior condition, at which point a lawful bidding process could be instated.

Read the entire complaint.


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