On August 23, 2021 Governor Jim Justice references large increases in West Virginia COVID “vaccine” incidents. Two weeks later, Governor Justice recommends “vaccines” as the most important thing you can do.



  1. There are no proven “vaccine incidents.“ There are only two possible cases of serious adverse reactions: blood clots after receiving the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. Meanwhile, Fox reports that 99% of the people admitted to hospital for Covid are unvaccinated. Unvaccinated people make up less than 1% of those who have died from Covid.

  2. There are, indeed, SAEs from all the vaccines, be it Pfizer, J&J, Moderna or AZ. One study alone of 32,300 subjects, 25% recipients reported SAEs. Little in this pandemic–if one wants to use the word “proven”–is, indeed, proven. But heck, in the first month of the administration (way back when) there were 640 SAEs in Pfizer patients alone. There were SAEs in the Phase 2/3 trials for Pfizer. They happen. The crux of the argument is one issue: Should a government force–through coercion or physically–a citizen to receive an substance into their body that is not “proven” and was rushed through the standard process (long established) for approving substances that can do one harm?

  3. Come now, people— if vaccines had negative effectiveness on people under 40, stats everywhere would reflect that. Are you aware of and qualified to assess all the major repots and studies? Then the intellectually honest thing to do is to accept the results of the overwhelming majority.

    Furthermore, if every time someone got a headache after the shot, or even some more serious problem, and you automatically attribute that to the shot without actual evidence, you can get the 640 very quickly. Proves nothing accept your determination to discredit the actual science.

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