Following last year’s profane defiling of the Lawn at Mr. Jefferson’s University of Virginia, obscenity has returned.

Hand painted on the door of West Lawn 49:

FUCK UVA !!! (respectfully)

Disrespect and ingratitude run rampant among UVA’s recipients of privilege.


  1. Once a proud Alum (GSEAS ‘82, Darden ‘83), now thoroughly disgusted by UVA’s steady decline, particularly under the feckless leadership and careless stewardship of James E. Ryan, it’s damn hard for me to see that this institution can be saved from itself, much less be restored. Realizing that there are, and always will be, people and events that fall short of ideal, there was a time when higher education held to high standards and expectations and fulfilled an important, if not vital, role in the development of both character and intellect, grounded in integrity. Doubtful the current dregs admitted to the Lawn have even a remote clue of the privileges they enjoy… and squander. Shame on them. And on the UVA Administration for a lost teaching opportunity. It’s all about the money. Sad.

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