Cultural Marxism apparently now informs the operational language of Albemarle County government communications agents.

A December 23 news release from the County notifies citizens that “Administrative Functions” will pause on December 24 and December 25 for “the winter holiday.”

The County then extends generic, soulless greetings to newsletter recipients: We wish a happy and healthy holiday to our residents who celebrate.

Nowhere in the release is the word “Christmas” mentioned.

The same culture-eradicating extremism is also displayed in the Albemarle County government calendar, which refers to December 25 as “Winter Holiday.”

NB to Albemarle County overlords: December 25 is Christmas—whether you like it or not.

Strangely, the über-progressive Charlottesville City government has no problem using the C-word on its calendar and in email communications, mentioning “Christmas Eve Day” and “Christmas Day” as City holidays.

While we were sleeping, Albemarle County government has turned against us. The Orwellian overlords who wantonly remove our history without our consent and threaten to jail us for violating mask-wearing diktats have embraced a vile foreign ideology—one that is unrecognizable to everyday Americans.


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