To the dismay of many Albemarle County government school bus drivers, Superintendent Dr. Matt Haas has decreed “Black Lives Matter” apparel as appropriate work attire.

At an October 2, 2020 Zoom meeting of schools’ transportation officials and employees, a question was asked about political  messaging being worn while working.

The meeting moderator responded that political, alcohol, tobacco, Confederate, and drug related messages were not permissible when on-duty. He later clarified that Black Lives Matter (BLM) messages were deemed appropriate by Dr. Haas, because BLM was considered a “humanitarian” organization.

Such viewpoint discrimination has landed Albemarle County Schools in hot water previously. Haas’ throw-caution-to-the-wind approach may return the division to the dreaded legal swamp.


  1. Speaking of brilliant educators in AlbieCo, is Wes Bellamy really the “interim department head (dean?)” in the PoliSci department at Virginia State University? Wasn’t he teaching Computers at AlbieCo schools four short years ago? And he has not undergrad degrees in political science? This is precisely why people do not place any credibility in these “make-pretend” institutions of higher eduction.

  2. The shirts don’t say “I endorse all the positions in the Black Lives Matter platform.” They say that black lives matter, and that’s only a political slogan if you don’t think they do. But never mind empathizing with and understanding the people who wear those shirts. They don’t like you, so you have to dislike them too. And so it goes among “godly” people.

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