In this special Facebook LIVE presentation, Schilling Show Unleashed Podcast host, Rob Schilling, evaluates the latest in a long line of Albemarle County Schools absurd policy positions: the dumbing down of grades.
Broadcast on September 23, 2020.
Eliminating "zeros" will make students smarter?
Albemarle Schools should be ashamed at so many levels.
Look at that takes Virginia Department of Education Data and compares ACPS to all of the other state school districts.
Among the interesting items it reveals:
– At 67th of 132, ACPS is just one away from being in the bottom half of state school districts.
– 6 of 25 schools (Cale, Greer, Woodbrook, Crozet and AHS) in Albemarle are in the bottom 10% of all schools in the state.
– Another 4 of 25 (MHS, Walton, Sutherland and Stoney Point) rate in between the bottom 10% and the bottom 40%
Most importantly ACPS is so clearly racist it is sickening.
-If you live in a white neighborhood your kids go to one of the best schools in the state like Murray, Lewis, Henley or WAHS. Not only do these schools do well with students they are Taj Mahal buildings like Brownsville.
-If you are not able to live in an affluent area your children children, mostly of color, go to a school like Cale, Red Hill, Scottsville, Jouett or AHS and your kids get an bottom of the line education sometimes in a bottom of the line facility.
[…] County Public Schools’ (ACPS) Superintendent, Dr. Matt Haas, stepped out on a limb when he urged the School Board to partially reopen the schools, beginning […]
[…] the dismay of many Albemarle County government school bus drivers, Superintendent Dr. Matt Haas has decreed “Black Lives Matter” apparel as appropriate work […]