Discrimination now is overt in Albemarle County, as local government bureaucrats openly disseminate public funds based on skin color and other questionable criteria.

The County’s Lift Grants are a “relief initiative” meant to assist with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on local businesses.

However, in doling out the dollars, Albemarle County’s ham-fisted efforts at institutionalized equity in actuality are boldly discriminatory, first against certain types of businesses:

Self-employed, home-based businesses, banks and financial operations, non-locally owned and operated franchises, and vape, tobacco, gambling, sex-related industries and weapon manufacturers are ineligible for funding.

Then, Albemarle County goes a step beyond in their selection process by giving “preference” based on race and other government-favored sub-classifications:

Applications will be considered based on qualitative and quantitative data using a scoring matrix with preference given to women, minority, and veteran-owned businesses and the hospitality and tourism, retail, arts, and entertainment industries. Applicants must provide proof of COVID-related impact.

In addition to possible legal quandaries with their race-based predilection, Albemarle County may have stepped into a quagmire in favoring businesses that are “women-owned.” Since government no longer recognizes biological criteria in determining “sex,” theoretically, all applicants could claim to be woman-owned, and thus receive the County’s qualitative scoring bonus.

The Lift Grant application window closed on August 3; winners will be awarded in mid-August.

See Albemarle County’s Lift Grant “scoring matrix”:


  1. So today while applying for the grant I think i’ll be a woman…don’t they call that “gender-fluid”? So technically I wouldn’t be committing fraud…I could walk in singing that Shania Twain song…”Man, i feel like a woman”….

  2. Or “Any man of mine”. I’ll wear my BLM shirt with an image of a bacon, lettuce, and mayonnaise sammich.

  3. Preferring seven different categories besides race hardly constitutes “race-based predilection.” Possible complications in deciding if someone is female is no excuse, given past discrimination, for not making gender one preference to help those who obviously are.

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