The Virginia Department of Health now sees “color” in their patients and apparently treats people differently based on skin tone.

Current COVID-19 testing events—advertised on the VDH web site and held in the Thomas Jefferson Health District—offer testing locations “focused on communities of color,” which would seem to exclude communities of non-color. In addition, these exclusive testing sites are providing multiple giveaways, freebies, and benefits ostensibly unavailable to melanin-deficient humans, including:

  • No-appointment testing
  • FREE face masks
  • FREE Hand sanitizer
  • FREE COVID19 children’s books
  • FREE Jefferson School African American Heritage Center memberships
  • FREE Limited gift cards
  • FREE Food
  • FREE Resources for mental health
  • FREE Medicaid expansion
  • Voter registration [emphasis added] 

While many of the “benefits” extended are of marginal value, the prima facie discrimination based on skin color is troubling. And the inclusion of “voter registration” is downright suspect.

Under the guise of doing “good,” state and local governments have evolved into political monsters, edifying the dominant paradigm while consuming those whose toil has been pilfered for such.


  1. White people in Charlottesville are by and large affluent and educated and thus more able to protect themselves and knowledgeable about how to do so than people of color, many of whom are working class. They’re more able to afford health and mental health services, and more knowledgeable about how to find them. Many work from home or are able to do so now, and so aren’t exposed at work. They have money to spare for masks and sanitizer.

    As a Christian I am commanded to care for the poor, and the Bible neither prescribes nor proscribes particular ways of doing so. Churches and individuals meet some needs, but not all. Giving aid to the needy isn’t discriminating against people who don’t need aid in the first place. I’m glad my city tax money is being spent to help people more at risk than I am, and most of them live in low-income African-American neighborhoods.

  2. Ken: Your reply is nothing more than rationalization, based on racial stereotyping, and reveals great insight into why we get the moronic political representation we have here in Charbermarle. DEM Party On!

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