A recent vote of the Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors will move the County Registrar’s office to a new and potentially precarious location.

Unanimously, the Board authorized a monthly lease payment of $3,491.67 for office space in the Jefferson Centre Shopping Center, in Lake Monticello. The move—which relocates the Registrar’s office, currently in Palmyra—was presented by County staff as necessary, due to Virginia’s new 45-day early voting provision and the resultant need for more space.

Red flags were raised; however, by community members aware of and concerned with the proximity of the Fluvanna Registrar’s new location to a longstanding Democrat party campaign office, located immediately next door. While that space is not presently occupied, there are fears that if the historical use is revisited this election season, a conflict-of-interest will arise.

While the Board of Supervisors likely was unaware of the potential conflict, Fluvanna County staff did not appear to practice due diligence in their recommendation of this specific location.

Inquiring minds will be watching.

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