Bob Fenwick, a former Charlottesville City Councilor—and presently a candidate for Charlottesville City Councilhas been fined $50 by the Virginia State Board of Elections for violation of Virginia Code §24.2-956, Stand By Your Ad.

As first reported by The Schilling Show, Fenwick (who after five candidacies for Charlottesville City Council, should have known better) brazenly posted illegal campaign signs throughout Charlottesville. These were missing a state-mandated attribution.

Candidate Fenwick continued to erect the illegal signs even after it was brought to his attention that he was violating the law.

Fenwick is no stranger to flagrant disregard of the rule of law. During his previous City Council tenure, he openly advocated for defying state law in voting to remove protected monuments from public land in Charlottesville. He is currently the subject of a lawsuit, which seeks to hold Fenwick and his colleagues personally and financially liable for the illegal vote.

Click to read the State Board of Elections letter to Bob Fenwick.

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