Albemarle County Rio District Supervisor, Ned Gallaway, has been fined $400 by the Virginia Department of Elections.

The penalty stems from Democrat Gallaway’s 2017 Election Day transgression of Virginia’s “Stand By Your Ad” law, a story broken and exclusively covered by The Schilling Show.

Upon receipt of photographic documentation of Gallaway’s campaign signage—which did not contain the legally required attribution (“paid for and authorized by…”)—the State Board of Elections convened a hearing on May 21, 2018.

On May 31, the Department of Elections issued the following letter to Mr. Gallaway:

Dear Mr. Gallaway:

On May 21, 2018, the State Board of Elections (“the Board”) met to hear Stand By Your Ad complaints. Subject to the Board’s authority under the Code of Virginia §24.2-955.3, the Board found Ned Gallaway for Supervisor in violation of §24.2-956 Stand By Your Ad print media disclosure requirements with regards to eight advertisements, and is thereby fined $400.

This penalty must be paid in full within 60 days of the receipt of this notice or the matter will be turned over to the Commonwealth’s Attorney for your locality who is required to initiate collection. You can pay by check or by money order. Please make your check payable to the “Treasurer of Virginia,” and forward to the State Board of Elections at the address provided below.

If you need further information, please contact Randell Coleman, Fiscal Compliace & Review Analyst, at or at (804) 864-8920.


Arielle A. Schneider

Gallaway reportedly has paid the fine in full.

(Click here to see the State’s letter to Supervisor Ned Gallaway.)


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