A long game of “cat and mouse” has ended with Charlottesville City providing a copy of Police Chief Dr. RaShall Brackney’s employment contract to The Schilling Show, following multiple requests.

Notable elements of the contract are:

  • A starting salary of $140,000 per year, through June 30, 2018 Section 4A
  • A July 1, 2018 “cost-of living” salary increase (per City Manager’s proposed budget, 3% or approximately $4,200) Section 4B
  • A probationary period that runs through December 31, 2018. Successful completion of probationary period will entitle the Chief to an additional 3% raise (approximately $4,272) Section 2A
  • A twelve month “golden parachute” salary and benefits payout if the contract is terminated “not-for-cause” during the initial term (January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2023) Section 2B(2)
  • A moving and relocation allowance of up to $10,000 Section 4D
  • A $3,000 temporary housing allowance Section 4E
  • A city provided automobile with all expenses included Section 4F

While Dr. Brackney signed the employment contract on June 18, 2018, her first day on the job, City Manager Maurice Jones did not execute the document until eight days later, June 26, 2018.

Download Chief Dr. RaShall Brackney’s employment contract.


  1. Carole, she probably wants to be called “Doctor Brackney.” I see she is already eschewing that evil blue police uniform at council meetings, instead opting for the Michelle Obama sleeveless dress. Nothing says “police chief” like sleeveless!

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