Many people were surprised by the election of Donald J. Trump on November 8, 2016.

Many people underestimated the passion of the silent majority of American voters who ROARED their disapproval of the Obamanation that America has become.

Many people in the election’s aftermath remain confused and are seeking “safe spaces” in which to find solace and process their befuddlement.

The answers to questions about Tuesday’s outcome are not difficult to ascertain, but some intellectual effort must be expended.

Here, for the benefit of those still scratching their heads—and especially for those who revel in the “ROAR”—are 50+ reasons that Donald J. Trump is the next President of the United States of America:

And because Americans are tired of Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary and Bill Clinton, George Soros, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, John Kerry, Ash Carter, Kathleen Sebelius, Van Johnson, Sonia Sotomeyer, Elena Kagan, Jeh Johnson, Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Gina McCarthy, John Podesta, Al Sharpton, Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, Van Jones, The Muslim Brotherhood, Jeremiah Wright, Pope Francis, Fidel Castro, “Mother” Theresa Sullivan, Tom Perriello, Cecile Richards, Beyonce and Jay-Z, Terry McAuliffe, Tim Kaine, Ralph Northam, Mark Herring, David Toscano, Jane Dittmar, Wes Bellamy, Mike Signer, Kristin Szakos (The Moat Monster), Tom Foley, Liz Palmer, Diantha McKeel

And every petty tyrant and political elitist that we’ve been subjected to over the past eight years, and for decades before that. Thank God that America has survived them all—even if just barely.


  1. Obamacare facts. Nine years before it started rates went up an average of 13.2%. The six years after it started rates went up an average of 5.8%. This year it’s expected to go up at least 10%. There are 20 million more people with health insurance since Obamacare started. People can no longer be denied insurance because of a pre-existing condition. Most of our citizens are ignorant of these facts.

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