Schilling Show host, Rob Schilling, recently was recognized by the Associated Press with five awards for his reporting and journalism over the past year.

At the April 23, 2016 Virginias Associated Press Broadcasters Awards, Schilling was presented with the following Non-Metro Radio citations:

In addition, the Schilling Show’s broadcast home station, WINA AM/FM, won the AP’s Outstanding News Operation of the Virginias and received a total of 18 awards from the Associated Press.

The Virginias Associated Press Broadcasters Awards covers television and radio broadcasting in both Virginia and West Virginia.


  1. Congrats Rob!!! The Community Watchdog gets five more bones – from the AP of all places!!!

    I wonder how those City Councillors who banded together to get you replaced regret that move now, as you are able to create far more awareness and accountability via your radio show and activism, than you ever could while sitting among them.

    Awesome work!!!


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