The following video series documents the March 22, 2016 “Unity in the Community” event in Charlottesville’s Lee Park. Led by Charlottesville Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy and attended by fellow councilors, Kristin Szakos and Bob Fenwick, the rally sought the “removal of General Lee Statue and renaming of Lee Park.”

About 100 concerned residents of the Commonwealth attended the event, although only those in favor of removal/renaming were given speaking privileges.

Featured speakers included: Dr. M. Rick Turner, President, Albemarle- Charlottesville NAACP; Wes Bellamy, Charlottesville Vice Mayor and event organizer; Rev. Hodari Hamilton, Pastor, First Baptist Church West Main Street; Amy-Sarah Marshall, President, Charlottesville Pride Community Network; Kristin Szakos, Charlottesville City Councilor and community organizer; and Zyahna Bryant, Charlottesville High School Student.


Remove the Statue and Rename Lee Park, Episode 1: Dr. M. Rick Turner


Remove the Statue and Rename Lee Park, Episode 2: Wes Bellamy


Remove the Statue and Rename Lee Park, Episode 3: Rev. Hodari Hamilton


Remove the Statue and Rename Lee Park, Episode 4: Amy-Sarah Marshall

Remove the Statue and Rename Lee Park, Episode 5: Kristin Szakos

Remove the Statue and Rename Lee Park, Episode 6: Zyahna Bryant


  1. No matter how good the production is, it can never cover up the ignorance of the uneducated trying to force their narrow minded foolishness on other people. One of the problems with this is if they are allowed to have their wy, it costs the rest of us in money and what ever they want removed or destoryed. Only God can change history and thankfully He has decided not to let anyone else do it either. Think how much better the world would be if people would sshow this much enthusiam over something important that needs to be fixed.

  2. About 100 concerned residents of the Commonwealth attended the event, although only those in favor of removal/renaming were given speaking privileges.

    Do you guys give speaking privileges to your opponents at your own press conferences? If this had been a Tea Party event and liberals had shouted down the speaker, you’d have posted video of the protesters to shame them for their incivility.

  3. Schilling. u Bellamy. should b more concern about turner Allowing drugs to b sold at. Uva. I sayed Mr. Lee. U notice I said Mr. Lee If he not told his. Soldiers to go and not do. Guerrilla. Warfare Y'all would b n someone's scope I don't mean mouthwash good day if u don't like. It. I just don't think I could. Bare it.

  4. The real problem here is not the statue of General Lee or Lee Park.
    It’s Wesley Bellamy, I identify him as a plebiscite seeker looking for any opportunity to get into the spotlight.

    I feel it’s his objective to cause any type of unrest in our community and lives.
    May God touch his life and open his heart and soul .

  5. I’m sick and tired of this Bellamy. he is an agitator. He is a divider cop-hater and racist.

    Did you know that he was ARRESTED IN SOUTH CAROLINA FOR ASSAULTING AN OFFICER??? check it out. he went to South Carolina State. Look up Orangeburg and Wesley Bellamy at

    Why has he NEVER talked about this? why does he attack the cops every chance he gets?

    And now mcAuliffe is promoting him to the state Board of education?? Wonder why??

    This has to STOP!

  6. Shoot the messenger, eh? Bellamy’s personal conduct has no bearing on whether the Lee statue should stay or go. Certain white Southerners have long called people fighting for civil rights and equality “agitators.”

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