Parents of students at Greenville, Virginia’s Riverheads High School were shocked by a recent assignment given in World Geography class.

Classroom teacher, Cheri Laporte, asked students to practice “calligraphy” by copying the Muslim statement of faith, also known as the shahada, which translates as:

“There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”

Recitation of the shahada is a fundamental step in conversion to Islam.

According to parents, students were not informed of the translation or of the specific meaning of the Arabic text the students were being asked to copy. In addition, parents confirm that female students were invited to don Muslim apparel and subsequently were photographed in costume by the teacher. (Reportedly, an administrator has since disposed of the photos.)

A post-assignment emergency meeting held with the teacher, a parent, and schools administration yielded the following additional information:

  • Teacher Laporte was aware of the translation of the text assigned and was unapologetic over the assignment itself
  • Apparel representing other religions was not presented in the lesson
  • Teacher Laporte previously had circulated a Koran in the classroom, but had intentionally declined to make a Bible available because “all of the students already have read or seen a Bible”
  • School administration confirmed that this lesson was not in the Augusta School Division’s approved curriculum for World Geography

After the meeting, one parent responded in reference to the teacher:

I do not trust her to teach my son and regardless of the outcome he will not sit in her classroom. I am in the process of forgiving her but I do not trust her.

Riverheads High School Principal, Max Lowe, did not directly acknowledge an inquiry requesting confirmation of the incident, clarification of policy, and disciplinary measures, if any, taken against Ms. Laporte.

A community meeting of concerned parents is scheduled for further discussion of the assignment and its aftermath.


  1. What a great assignment: learn calligraphy and learn about another culture at the same time. I believe this falls under the heading of “educational.” I notice that while you describe the assignment, you don’t actually say what’s wrong with it. So I challenge you to do exactly that.

    Possible answers:

    1) Christianity is right and Islam is wrong, so therefore kids shouldn’t learn anything about Islam even though over 1.5 billion people practice it. That’s because . . .

    2) Even though the students weren’t even told the meaning of the words they were copying, somehow those words might have converted them to Islam. That’s because . . .

    3) If clothing representative of one religion was worn in class, clothing of others should always be worn as well. That’s because . . .

    4) If a Koran is circulated in class, a Bible should be as well because the teacher is wrong and some of the kids really will not have seen or read a Bible.

    5) A teacher should never teach anything not specifically approved by the school board. For example, if the subject of homosexuality came up, a teacher should not say that it is contrary to God’s will.

  2. This has been blown so out of proportion. Rediculous behavior by parents, teaching you children intolerance and hate! I personally know this teacher and have for years. She is in no way trying to convert or indoctrinate our kids. I have a student in this class. My 15 year old even understands that this is cultural geography assignment and that is all. No more no less. Get a grip people.

  3. Too bad I cannot post a picture of the rest of the assignment! It’s reviewing Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism. How about we all get our facts strait before trying to ruin someone’s life! And you call yourselves christians……

  4. I am immensely blessed to have had someone like Mrs. Laporte teach me tolerance and acceptance in her class. I am a better person and student for having been educated by her.

  5. When we have children that can make it to high school and are unable to write in cursive we don't need this type of instruction. This is not about tollerance. This is about pushing your agenda on those that are still very much impressionable. It can not be tolerated. This is the type of instruction that should only happen in a college level Religion course, not a Geography course in a public school setting. I will never send my child to public school but I am an Augusta county tax payer and I will stand out against this behavior.

  6. Things this article neglects to mention: There is study of multiple religions and cultures in this class, not just Islam. This was my personal first encounter (and so I'm taking the liberty-as Mr. Schilling seems to enjoy doing-to assume it was for others as well), in 9 years of public education, with how other humans beings lived around the world. We learned how to say hello in 5 different langauages in this class. This was a well rounded curiculum. Mrs. Laporte was a strong representation of Christian morals and values. (They may have ended the program by now, but when I attended Riverheads) All elementary students were required to attend Weekday Religious Education classes, which were classes strictly about Christianity and I have no clue where else in the country you can get away with that anymore. A well-rounded education is the root to problem-solving and potentially, conflict resolution.

  7. Things this article neglects to mention: There is study of multiple religions and cultures in this class, not just Islam. This was my personal first encounter (and so I'm taking the liberty-as Mr. Schilling seems to enjoy doing-to assume it was for others as well), in 9 years of public education, with how other humans beings lived around the world. We learned how to say hello in 5 different langauages in this class. This was a well rounded curiculum. Mrs. Laporte was a strong representation of Christian morals and values. (They may have ended the program by now, but when I attended Riverheads) All elementary students were required to attend Weekday Religious Education classes, which were classes strictly about Christianity and I have no clue where else in the country you can get away with that anymore. A well-rounded education is the root to problem-solving and potentially, conflict resolution.

  8. Things this article neglects to mention: There is study of multiple religions and cultures in this class, not just Islam. This was my personal first encounter (and so I'm taking the liberty-as Mr. Schilling seems to enjoy doing-to assume it was for others as well), in 9 years of public education, with how other humans beings lived around the world. We learned how to say hello in 5 different langauages in this class. This was a well rounded curiculum. Mrs. Laporte was a strong representation of Christian morals and values. (They may have ended the program by now, but when I attended Riverheads) All elementary students were required to attend Weekday Religious Education classes, which were classes strictly about Christianity and I have no clue where else in the country you can get away with that anymore. A well-rounded education is the root to problem-solving and potentially, conflict resolution.

  9. Don't you feel it's a conflict to the Christian, aethiest, well… everybody EXCEPT muslims to be copying this? How would you react if people were copying verses from the Bible as an assignment? Teaching it is one thing, having your students replicate a statement they don't even understand is just plain ignorant and not educational.

  10. This is ridiculous. The exercise was to show the children the beauty and complexity of Arabic. The implication here that the teacher privideged and endorsed belief in Islam is completely unsubstantied. There is abosolutely no evidence of indoctrination toward Muslim beliefs. This was simply about educating children about other people in the context of a world geography class. This whole event is ludicrious on its face and is getting attention simply because of religious bigotry.

  11. You are incredibly ignorant to think that this teacher is pushing any religious agenda on these kids. The teacher is not Islamic for starters. The course actually covers all of the major world religions including Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism, as well as Islam. Many of these kids may choose to not go to college so it is a blessing that they can be exposed to a variety of world beliefs before they leave the education system. There is no transgression here! This is part of the course! The exerts she gave are a crucial part of THAT religion! She did not ask them to pray towards Mecca! She did not force them to shed any current religious beliefs. All she did was teach, and these kids will be better for it. It's the ignorant adults who are the ones who want to stay trapped in their false perceptions that the world stops at the Augusta County line.

  12. I am very glad that my children don't attend a class taught by a biased teacher.
    Since she does not exercise equality in her assignments she should be questioned by the parents. Her class presentation material needs to be reviewed prior to lecturing .
    Is Old English cursive art not a more useful skill. Is the concept of religion really something that tax payors want her teaching. Cheri LaPorte please send your self to the Middle East and teach there.
    America does not need your input as you violate the policy and culture of US schools. Go assimilate yourself in another country. Your father would be ashamed of you. Ask for Gods forgiveness and pray that you find the truth along the path of being a real Anerican.

  13. I swear that if she's punished over this I am protesting. There would be nowhere near this level of outrage if she had passed around a bible instead, nor was there this level of outrage when she taught Chinese to people. I would almost put money on the fact that she didn't just mention one religion or introduce only one religious book. This is absurd.

  14. Why did the teacher use religious text? She could have done the same assignment and had it say something along the lines of “This statement is teaching calligraphy in another language”. Its not the assignment that is wrong it is the statement it makes.

  15. She teaches about all the religions because parents like you are trying to keep their childs eyes closed to the fact that we arent the only ones on earth. You arent a "real american" if you are trying to deny freedom of religion.

  16. Anthony Bryant they dont have any reasonable arguments. They are all closed minded and dont care about other peoples beliefs or cultures. As one of their children said, "if its not christain its not right" I bet they are all votiong for Trump

  17. Wow this country was built on God one God not theirs ours everyone’s trying to convoluted that if you don’t like it here go home or somewhere else.

  18. Corte Allen Hell no, I ain't voting for Trump… But its against some peoples religion, at least give the meaning of what there translating, and leave the decision up to the students

  19. This is the same slogan in white letters that graces the black flag adopted by the followers of the Islamic Caliphate – ISIS. In other words, murderers of innocents.
    Now is not the time for American high school students to be practicing calligraphy by writing out such a slogan. This is a slap in the face of Americans and smacks of indoctrination. I have no problem teaching calligraphy, but how about the calligraphy for “Death to ISIS and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi” instead. And have the decency to translate it !

  20. We learned about every religion when being taught in her class. The fact everyone is having a problem with it is because you are scared of the Muslim culture now. ISIS has you scared so anything to do with Muslim you are going to be against. I have always had a great respect for Mrs.Laporte and always will as she is a wonderful teacher and was a great coach.

  21. Christianity, Judaism, do not preach death to those that do not agree, nor do they encourage beheading, subjugation of women…Need I say more?
    Do you think Iranians or Syrians transcribe the Lord’s Prayer? You won’t find any tolerance for Christians or Jews in Muslim countries folks.
    This is our culture, not theirs. You want to learn about Islam go to a mosque.

  22. The fact that it is World Geography and you are learning about the different parents of the world which includes the religion in those countries. Stop being a radical against Muslims. I had her a teacher and she taught about every religion get over it. You are so high strung about the Muslims/Islam culture because of everything that is taking place in today's society. Get over it the USA is a melting pot which consist of almost every culture and religion managable.

  23. Matt Christian ,exactly, it's just kind of creepy to copy that you submit to Islam when we are fighting a war with Islamic terrorists that want to kill us, she could of chose any other Islamic phrase, and I wouldn't see a problem with it really.

  24. Imagine teaching a lesson on Aramaic, the language of Jesus. You have the students write "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the bible tells me so" in Aramic. Imagine a Jewish student coming home and showing his parents the assignment. That is extending the lesson into religious doctrine and beliefs of the Christian faith. Now, imagine a Christian student showing this to his Christian faith-raised family. The parents would rightfully be upset and demand the teacher be reprimanded.

    The same applies here – teaching the Shahada, as this teacher has done with her students, is crossing the boundaries of not only the Standards of Learning, it's also crossing the boundaries of church and state. Teaching them calligraphy and the art of Islam, isn't exactly wrong, or even having the OPTION of dressing out as a Muslim, but that also is not a specific requirement of the SOL in the Islam portion. If the lessons were VOLUNTARY and for extra credit, I see no problem – but the BIG problem is teaching the Shahada – not in the SOL, not required, and it's pushing RELIGIOUS DOCTRINE in a public school in Virginia and therefore is WRONG.

  25. I can agree with the probable attempt at the teacher wanting to make this a creative, culturally intensive topic with the students for a Social Studies or World History class – the teacher sounds young and inexperienced, and perhaps she simply didn't think beforehand about the Shahada portion.

    But, to accuse the teacher of being a Jihadist pusher, ISIS sympathizer, or something else, is wrong. I don't think this was intentional on her part and the article may have a lot of spin involved.

  26. I agree with obviously not discriminating and learning how to do this but after reading the translation of it I feel as though that the students could have practiced a different saying than that one. Were not suppose to say merry Christmas cause of not pushing any of our religions but making the kids write that saying is not acceptable.. Any other saying would have been fine.. I see where these parents are coming from.

  27. There IS evidence of religious doctrine. Teachers shouldn't press it at all. Teaching the Shahada is like telling the kids that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. Imagine an atheist student coming home and telling her parents she had to recite that.

  28. Read the Shahada. That is pushing religious agenda. She was teaching them the Shahada when, there are other relevant topics for the Islam unit that could've been written in Arabic text other than the Shahada.

  29. Did it ever occur to you that your idea of "American culture" is in fact a one single sector of MANY that make up American Culture- a culture born out of the immense diversity within it. Did it ever occur to you that you are a human made of the same material and with the same potential for good or evil as ANY other human. That means we are a global community. Any attempt to remain separate from others in a singular unit of thought and belief (or adhering to the "policy" and "culture" of your terms) will fail because, ultimately, peace and understanding between Peoples comes from the rejection of such ideals of seperatism. We are all here together on this planet. Yet the entire history of US education has tirelessly favored Eurocentric topics. Exposure to the truth that OTHER realities are experienced by other humans and those realities are JUST AS VALID as your own- That is an INVALUABLE lesson which is taught through exposure to ALL the beautiful intricacies of humanity. That means more than a Eurocentric education. If we are going to overcome the fear of other, the fear that breeds hate and fuels war- The material which has fed the death machine of viscious conflict between Peoples for thousands of years- then we will need to open our eyes to see all those bits and pieces that draw our history as a human race and make us ALL who we are today. Common ground is where peace and learning grow. What you want is a No Trespassing sign. And dude, apprehension breeds apprehension. End the cycle. Stop repeating the circle.

  30. This teacher should be let go any reasonable person would know that this would be totally inappropriate to give to a student as a lesson in calligraphy. We don’t need more fuel for the fire! I am not opposed to teaching people to be religiously tolerant, and yes Americans including myself are not educated on this ,however don’t be one sided ….black lives matter NO ALL LIVES MATTER WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS AND WE HAVE A LOT OF BAD PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD FROM ALL RACES AND RELIGIONS.

  31. There are lots of Christian text that could be taken out of context too lol. Muslims considered Christians and Jews as people of the book and the Koran is based on BIBLICAL text. Do your history folks!

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