Former Albemarle County Supervisor, and wanted fugitive, Christopher J. Dumler, has been found living openly in the Philippine Islands.

Now known alternatively as “Taylor Hendricks,” “L. Taylor Hendricks III,” or “Taylor Despojo” Dumler is running a brewery (The Cebruery) with his wife, Toni Marie Despojo (aka Mai Despojo), in Mandaue City, Cebu Province.

In 2013 Dumler, pled guilty to sexual battery, served jail time in Albemarle County,  and eventually resigned from his Scottsville District supervisor seat. Later that year a warrant for Dumler’s arrest was filed in Orange County Circuit Court.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department confirms that although Christopher Dumler is still considered a fugitive and is sought by law enforcement, any motion for extradition would necessarily be handled by the Commonwealth.

Update #1: 8/10/2015 2:57 PM Ms. Despojo apparently is aware of her husband’s true surname as evidenced by her LinkedIn page listing, Toni Marie Dumler.

Update #2: 8/11/2015 5:34 AM: Several links updated with screen captures to compensate for the Dumler/Despojo team’s removal of live social media links.


  1. In case anyone wants to give Chris a call, here is his cell-phone number: 011-63-0999-836-5381.

  2. He is only a “wanted fugitive” because he failed to show up to court for a lawsuit proceeding. It is a misdemeanor. The state won’t even consider it worth pursuing…because it’s not. Let this man start fresh somewhere and leave him alone. He served his time and you need fresh stories about shit that matters.

  3. He is obviously into hiding. Starting “fresh” with a different identity in a third world country? That doesn’t sound right to me.

  4. As one of Dumler’s victims, I want to thank you for publishing this information. It is very relevant to me and his other victims where he is living now. Personally, I am incredibly relieved that he is on the other side of the world, and I hope he stays there.

  5. I don’t think that he should be hiding in the Philippines. It is only fair that women and the people in the Philippines should be informed of his doings. I think he should serve his time and make amends for his mistakes. It is not right to escape and just forget about it. We need to protect people, not just here in the U.S. but also the world. Hiding an identity is not right at all!

  6. He served his time for one assault, but what about the others? What about the young lady who was told last year that the DA wouldn’t seek charges because “we don’t know where he is”? How about the victims from years ago at Georgia Tech and UVA? He has a 10 year history of serial sexual assault, makes you wonder if anything happened while teaching at the children’s school in Cambodia that he left so suddenly (according to ex-pats that were in comms with him about jobs at Sun Valley, then he suddenly disappeared with no follow-up). When he has destroyed and devastated so many lives, what exactly is justice? Let him come back and face his crimes. If any of those women were your daughters, you would do the same. Let justice prevail.

  7. Can you please do an update on him? He has been charged again for forced sodomy and was recently removed from his political position in Virginia. Clearly it’s not over when this man has a sick history from law school all the way now to 2020.

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