Albemarle County’s poster child for bad behavior—Democrat Chris Dumler—is a fugitive from the law.

The disgraced Scottsville District Supervisor pled guilty to sexual battery on January 31 and served a total of 30 days in the Albemarle Charlottesville Regional Jail. He resigned his seat on the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors on June 5, following a protracted petition for removal and subsequent trial. While, Dumler prevailed in the petition case against him, he remained the target of relentless calls for resignation.

Orange County Circuit Court criminal records show that Dumler failed to appear for a July 19 court date, and a subsequent “Capias” (or arrest warrant) was issued.

Judge Cheryl V. Higgins, who presided over the Dumler removal trial, has ordered Albemarle County to reimburse the wayward Supervisor $9,345 in related legal fees. However, if Dumler is a legal fugitive, he may face arrest while attempting to collect.

Unconfirmed rumors abound that Chris Dumler:

  • Has left the state or even the country
  • Is the subject of a state investigation
  • Abandoned several legal clients and their cases, following his resignation
  • Is in danger of military disciplinary action
  • Is in the process of being disbarred, awaiting only his signature on state-issued legal paperwork

While Chris Dumler may be chuckling over fleecing taxpayers for his self-induced legal expenses, Albemarle County taxpayers and the law enforcement community may have the last laugh.


  1. Dumler is in more trouble with the law. Why am I not surprised? Hey, has anybody asked Dumler’s Army Reserve JAG unit – the 151st LSO – where he is, or what they think of their own CPT Christopher Dumler? He is certainly no credit to them.

  2. I wonder if someone should try to contact his known BFF’s/supporters (such as Cynthia Neff, Delores Rogers, and even Commonwealth’s District Attorney Denise Lunsford) if they’ve heard from him or know his whereabouts?

    Dumler and Neff, in particular, were “thick as thieves” — she not only put her house up as collateral for his $50K bond, but attended the bench trial and drove away with him leaving the Courthouse. How likely is it that they have ceased communication and she would not know, at least in general, where he is?

    Just a thought.

  3. Since Dumler is now officially a fugitive, why DOESN’T someone contact Albemarle County Commonwealth Denise Lunsford, and/or her baby-daddy/live-in partner and Albemarle County Democrat Party Chair – Richard Brewer??

    What are the next steps the county intends to take to serve Dumler his warrant? Is Dumler now considered a ‘missing person’? How do we know Dumler went missing voluntarily; maybe he’s a victim of foul play?

    His house in Scottsville is still being maintained – who’s doing that? Does Dumler’s (former?) live-in girlfriend still live there? Why hasn’t someone asked her where he is?

    There are lots of unanswered questions here..

  4. The law is out looking for him. There has been sighting of him in other places. They are not in a hurry to pick him up. Word on street is waiting for him to turn himself. The law is no hurry, the longer they wait, the worse it will be for him.

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