The Virginian-Pilot’s throbbing endorsement of pro-death Democrat, Dr. Ralph Northam, is a symptom of media-induced political sickness infecting a multitude of Americans.

The Pilot’s asymmetric editorial injects toxicity into its opening paragraph with glowing characterizations of Northam and a cancerous depiction of his Republican opponent, EW Jackson:

In the race for lieutenant governor, Virginians have a choice between an affable and dedicated pediatric neurologist who serves as a legislator, and a provocative Chesapeake preacher with no political experience.

Affable vs. provocative?

Dedicated pediatric neurologist vs. preacher with no experience?

Pilot readers seeking accurate diagnosis could well stop there.

Based on his political history, Northam could instead be branded as an abortion embracing, “government is god,” big-labor-favored politician who has been gaming the system since first elected, in 2007.

Alternatively, Jackson could be portrayed as a God fearing, pro-life, anti-politician whose thoughts, deeds and actions are informed by his Christian faith and his adherence to the US Constitution.

But, the prognosis gets worse.

Northam is praised for being imbued in Richmond’s political wiles:

He helped secure the commonwealth’s ban on smoking in restaurants and raised awareness among high school administrators and coaches about the dangers of concussions in student-athletes.

Ralph Northam is touted for supporting unrestricted “access” to abortion—a canted, untenable position for a physician working at a “children’s hospital.”

The morally debilitated candidate is further exalted by the morally incurable newspaper, for the candidate’s desire to:

  • Cap payday loans­
  • Repeal Virginia’s marriage amendment
  • Require mandatory background checks for all firearms purchases (except among family members)
  • Expand Medicaid under Obamacare

Predictably, the Pilot neglects to inoculate its readers against Dr. Northam’s poisonous political past, present and likely future:

Rx for gullible readers of the Virginian-Pilot: Do your own research and draw your own conclusions; relying on newspaper endorsements to select a political candidate is a grave error, and the results of such political misdiagnosis may be fatal.


  1. Virginian-Pilot endorses pro-death candidate, Dr. Ralph Northam, slams EW Jackson, for all of the wrong reasons!

  2. “Throbbing endorsement?” An “asymmetric editorial”? The results of political misdiagnosis may be “fatal”? Are you competing for some kind of purple prose award, or making an argument against homeschooling? Look up “prognosis” and “imbued” some time.

  3. Yeah, but I know what “imbeu” means! A person is imbued with, not in something. The quality is in the person; the person is not in the quality.

    Rob ought to adopt the slogan of the United Negro College Fund: “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” He’s not dumb, he just has no standards. Charlottesville conservatives deserve a thoughtful spokesman, not a guy who confuses making logical arguments with (mis)using big words. Not a guy who confuses appealing to conservative principles with appealing to pride and fear and other low instincts in the name of Christianity.

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