In a surprise announcement on today’s radio broadcast of The Schilling Show, Wayne Allyn Root—2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee—officially endorsed Republican Mitt Romney for president. Root also announced his impending resignation from the Libertarian Party and his intention to re- join the Republican Party:

I just made the decision yesterday, officially; I’ve been thinking about it for ninety days now, but I just pulled the trigger yesterday and I’ll be announcing it on all the major media, on TV and radio next week. That the Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate, and the leading Libertarian in the country, that’s me, the chairman of the LNCC, Libertarian National Campaign Committee, on the governing board of the Libertarian Party, the LNC. Ah, I’ve decided to leave the Libertarian Party and become a Republican again and I have endorsed Mitt Romney for President of the United States.

Toward the end of the interview, Root—a former classmate of President Barack Obama and a frequent critic of his administration’s policies—also revealed alleged political persecution at the hands of the IRS. The tax collection agency initiated two audits on Root in rapid succession, which Root believes were politically motivated and possibly ordered at the direction of President Obama.

Click here to listen to Rob Schilling’s entire interview with Wayne Allyn Root.


  1. Yeah, I’m sure Obama ordered those audits, especially since Root was then a prominent member of the Libertarian Party. Discredit the party that’s going to take away votes from your opponent – what a brilliant strategy. Man, Root is right — Obama ought to go to jail for this!

  2. There come a long wind question.
    Does this help Romney or doesn’t or doesn’t matter this type of endorsement?
    So Ken, you mean you are no long drinking the koolaid and are suggestion that Obama should be in jail.

  3. Votes, I was being sarcastic. It would make no sense for Obama to want to make a leading libertarian look bad, even if he (Obama) would stoop to that sort of thing.

  4. “The buck stops here!” said President Harry Truman. Used to be the president accepted blame for anything that happened in the federal executive branch. But not double-standard President Barrack Obama!

    I’m glad to see Gary Johnson put country above party. The purpose of the loyalty oath is to put party above country. Wayne Allen Root left his party because the nation is more important than the political party.

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