In yet another moment of public solecism, Democrat John Douglass has further cemented his own temperament-based ineligibility to serve in the United States Congress.

Douglass—who is challenging incumbent Republican Robert Hurt for Virginia’s 5th District congressional seat—physically assaulted a young conservative who was filming Douglass’ discussion with attendees of a public forum in Farmville, Virginia on August 21.

The seemingly unprovoked attack follows another superfluous Douglass public outburst wherein the retired Brigadier General went ballistic over a reference to Americans For Tax Reform President, Grover Norquist, at a Charlottesville candidate forum.  (Audio available here.)

While Douglass surrogates like Peyton Williams and Fred Hudson make faux calls for “civility” in the 5th District race—decrying characterizations made by the General’s critics—to date, none of these John Douglass adulators has condemned his own candidate’s disturbing physical or verbal aggressions.

H/T: The American Maverick


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