Not long ago, the Grand Old Party was know as the party of small—or at least, smaller—government. Notable Republicans worked, by and large, to reduce State spending and to corral expanding central government. Today’s Republican Party, in word, advocates much of the same.

The national GOP statement of belief says:

 Small government is a better government for the people

The Republican Party, like our nation’s founders, believes that government must be limited so that it never becomes powerful enough to infringe on the rights of individuals.


You know what to do with your money better than government

The Republican Party supports low taxes because individuals know best how to make their own economic and charitable choices.

The Republican Party of Virginia’s creed advocates clearly for fiscal moderation:

We believe that fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints must be exercised at all levels of government.

Those are admirable goals, in principle, under which Republicans coalesce and upon which America has built her greatness. But history’s harsh economic lessons and the Founders’ stern admonitions against over taxation seem lost on the College Republican Federation of Virginia (CRFV)—who appear to favor greater, not lesser redistribution of wealth in America.

In a June 23, 2012 press release signed by CRFV chairman, Michael Cogar, the Federation argues passionately for policies that will increase confiscation of taxpayer dollars in order to fund higher education:

While education in Virginia saw a boost in funding while George Allen was Governor, a 2010 report by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia shows that from budget years 2006 and 2007 to budget years 2010 and 2011, funding for each full-time in-state student in the Commonwealth fell from $8,709 to $6,500- a 25.4 percent drop. In the same period, state funding for community colleges fell by 36 percent.

Cogar concludes:

As they go to the ballot box this November, Virginia’s students should bear in mind which of the two former governors running for US Senate stood by them, and which one left them out to dry.

In other words, the College Republican Federation of Virginia is saying: “Vote for our guy, he’ll give you (college students) more of other people’s money than the other guy will.” Incidentally, Cogar does not mention the source of the increased funding (i.e. Virginia taxpayers) that will be used to further underwrite his cohorts’ education costs.

N.B. Michael Cogar and the free-spending Virginia College Republicans:  Study hard, and some day you may learn that money does not grow on trees, is not found in troughs, and does not come in pots. That every cent you take through the force of government is the product of another person’s labor and will in some way diminish the liberty of both “donor” and recipient.

Does the pro-collectivist CRFV position accurately represent the political inclinations of college-aged Virginia Republicans? If so, the elephant of liberty is so tarnished, its vision so clouded, its message so muddled that in many ways it has become nearly indistinguishable from the jackass of Socialism—the modern-day Democrat Party.


  1. First of all, “not long ago” there were creatures called Rockefeller Republicans who comprised a powerful wing of the party and who believed in funding higher education. And they’re still out there actually, although you demonize them on your show. (Obama is divisive, don’t you know, but we can’t have those RINOs being seen as respectable, now can we? But I digress). So your memory for history is selective and inaccurate.

    Secondly, I can’t think of anything more conservative – more in keeping with the conservative values of passing on tradition, passing on the best that has been thought and written, and insisting on high cultural standards – than valuing a good and comprehensive education. And that doesn’t come cheap.

  2. @Ken

    I remember well the Rockefeller Republicans; just because I didn’t mention them doesn’t mean I’ve selectively omitted them.

    There’s nothing conservative about unchecked and wasteful spending of OPM, whether it’s in pursuit of “higher” education, public art, or welfare.

  3. There’s nothing conservative about unchecked and wasteful spending of OPM

    Well no there isn’t, but what’s unchecked and wasteful vs. what’s in live with conservative values is exactly the question. I’ve said why I believe investing in the best possible public education is a conservative value.

  4. This is just part of ongoing narrative that involve concept that we the people need more government. No one has been able to answer a simple question — who is going to pay for all this government?
    The CRFV fell for this narrative, instead of sticking with game plan. I don’t need a group of “I am still wet behind ears” to tell me who to vote for. Out of two GA or TK, I am going to vote for GA, the lesser of 2 evils. Just based on their actions as governor.
    It is time for us the conservative human being here in VA (especially C’ville) to have a come to Jesus meeting with the individuals who feel they have right to spend our money as if it was their own. It is time to change the narrarive. At end of day, the James is still flowing, hell hasn’t frozen. Nothing has changed. Time to go!

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