Confidential sources deep within the bowels of Charlottesville City Hall tell the Schilling Show that City Manager, Maurice Jones, is close to the purchase of a home in the city’s Greenbrier neighborhood—although the deal has not yet been formally inked.

Jones, who began his current managerial tenure on December 6, 2010, was obligated by city code, immediately upon his appointment (i.e. election), to reside in Charlottesville proper:

Sec. 6. – Officers and clerks elected by council.

There may be elected by the council such officers and clerks as said council deems proper and necessary, who shall serve at the pleasure of council, and any one or more of said offices may be held and exercised by the same person. It may be competent for the council, in order to secure the services of a suitable person, to elect nonresidents, but such officer, other than the clerk of the council, shall reside in the city during his tenure of office. [emphasis added]

(Acts 1972, Ch. 184; Acts 2010, Ch. 217)


Sec. 5. – Elective officers; qualifications and terms of certain officers; form of government; corporate powers vested in city council; salaries of councilmen and mayor; city manager; director of finance.

(e) It shall be the duty of the said council of five members to elect a city manager, at the salary to be fixed by them, who shall serve at the pleasure of the council.

Through a series of extralegal maneuverings and slight-of-hand manipulations—in collusion with his corrupt all-Democrat City Council—Manager Jones has flouted the law for nearly 18 months, to date, by his ongoing residence in Albemarle County.

Adding taxpayer insult to taxpayer injury, in addition to his now $173,400 annual salary, Jones is scheduled to receive “moving assistance” from city taxpayers in the form of a $90,000 interest-free loan and complete coverage of “moving costs.”

Not known for his strict adherence to legal or ethical standards, Maurice Jones should feel right at home in his new digs on Holly Road, just two doors down from another paragon of civic virtue—Charlottesville Mayor Satyendra Huja.

You heard it first on The Schilling Show.


  1. Residency requirements for government jobs are so passe and, in this case, totally unnecessary….having a RESPONSE time to an EMERGENCY such as physicians have for UVA is more reasonable than having to live in the City.

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