In this exclusive video, Schilling Show host, Rob Schilling, discusses free speech, equal protection under the law and the 14th Amendment, rewarding of scofflaws by City Manager Maurice Jones, and anti-tea-party remarks and insults recently uttered by local Democrats David Toscano, Dave Norris, David Brown, Dennis Rooker, and Cynthia Neff.

The speech was delivered on Friday, October 21 at the Jefferson Area Tea Party’s “Free Speech Rights for EVERYBODY” Rally and Benefit, held in Charlottesville’s McGuffey Park.

Watch Rob Schilling’s speech in full (video courtesy of Rick Sincere):


  1. You folks out to rename yourselves the Pity Party, or better yet, the Mommy, He Hit Me First! Party. Week after week Rob refers to David Brown as a marionette, but it’s an outrage that he makes a joke at Carole Thorpe’s expense? Brown, at least, had the class to apologize.

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