Hot on the heels of a declamatory shot across the bow of the Jefferson Area Tea Party (JATP), Albemarle County Supervisor, Dennis Rooker, has refused an invitation to appear on WINA’s The Schilling Show in order to clarify inappropriate remarks he delivered at a recent public assembly.

At the Wednesday, September 7 Albemarle County Board of Supervisors meeting, a board majority (Ken Boyd, Rodney Thomas, Duane Snow, Lindsay Dorrier) voted to drop the county’s participation in the Cool Counties initiative, with Dennis Rooker and board chair, Ann Mallek, voting to continue the unholy alliance. A visibly rattled Rooker took the outcome as an opportunity to again disparage the local tea party—and the tea party movement in general—as he lashed out against the verdict:

“But, you know, I mean, where we’re going now, is, in my view, is in a direction where we’re afraid to be perceived as environmentally committed because, you know, I guess, the tea party has told us that’s it’s a bad thing and they can put another notch on their gun and send out an e-mail to all of their people saying we got Albemarle County out of ICLEI, and we got Albemarle County out of Cool Counties.

There will be an e-mail that goes out nationally today or tomorrow on that issue because it’s a notch on the gun. And that’s what this is about. A notch on the gun.”

And what is the source and meaning of Rooker’s violent “gun” rhetoric? From, “notch on the gun” is described as follows:

In westerns, the phrase is commonly used metaphorically with each notch on the gun representing one person the gunfighter owning it has killed.

When invited onto The Schilling Show to appear with JATP chair, Carole Thorpe in discussion of his disparaging remarks, the previously always-available supervisor suddenly busied himself for the next several weeks:

From: Dennis Rooker
Date: September 12, 2011 01:11:51 PM EDT
To: Rob Schilling, Carole Thorpe
Subject: Re: Cool Counties on The Schilling Show


Thank you for your offer.  Unfortunately, I would not have the time in my schedule over the next couple of weeks to be on your show.


Rooker’s assiduous schedule miraculously opened up three days later, when he appeared as a guest on WINA’s Morning News with Rick and Jane to discuss his shifting position on supervisor-appointed “committees” for the proposed 29 Western Bypass.

Cowardice, violent rhetoric, and passive aggression aside, Dennis Rooker is in desperate need of a reality check and perhaps, anger management coursework. The supervisor’s passionate embrace of the leftist-internationalist climate change agenda has upended his usual sense of decorum, resulting in multiple incidents of verbal incontinence and discommodious public lid-flipping.

Unfortunately, the left’s ongoing high profile condemnations of incivility in public discourse are a one-way street. Locally and nationally, liberal attacks on conservatives are met with stony silence from the typically hypersensitive, self-deputized “civility police” as well as from the Marxist mainstream media. Dennis Rooker’s anti-tea-party diatribe highlights not only his own lack of self-control but also America’s pandemic progressive political hypocrisy.

See Dennis Rooker delivering his attack on the tea party (video courtesy of Audrey Welborn):







  1. Rob, you sure do love you some pedantically purple prose.

    In regards to your argument here, you’re right that a lot of liberals hypocritically condemn violent metaphors on the right but not the left. Not me. I’ll condemn Jimmy Hoffa’s remarks. But violent rhetoric is threatening rhetoric, and Rooker’s threatens no one. And ducking is what you did over on the 9/11 thread, and do here almost all the time.

  2. Rooker’s comments were ridiculous, but served the purpose of changing the subject from the benefits of dropping out of the Cool Counties Initiative and need to stop any and all central planning schemes.

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