In the wake of The Schilling Show’s highly anticipated endorsement in the Charlottesville Democrat Firehouse Primary, endorsee Kathy Galvin, an oxymoronically self-described “proud Democrat,” has responded publicly in a widely distributed media release:

Galvin for Council

For Immediate Release

August 17th, 2011

Today former Republican Charlottesville City Councilor, Tea Party activist, and right-wing radio host Rob Schilling posted a satirical “endorsement” of Kathy Galvin on his show’s website.  [To see the website, click here:] Kathy Galvin and her campaign want to make it clear that they understand this “endorsement” to be tongue-in-cheek satire squarely within the American political tradition, and know that no Charlottesville voter would misunderstand this as an actual, genuine endorsement of the sort Ms. Galvin has humbly received from Kristin Szakos, Kay Slaughter, Leah Puryear, Charles Barbour, Bitsy Waters ,Virginia Daugherty, Meredith Richards, Jason Halbert, Hosea Mitchell, Ned Michie, Blake Caravati, Julian Taliferro, Dave Chapman, Alvin Edwards, Peggy Van Yahres, Jonathan Blank, and Sherry Kraft.

However, Ms. Galvin and her volunteers and supporters do take Mr. Schilling’s satire as an unintended compliment.  When Charlottesville’s most prominent right-wing talk show host, most recent GOP City Councilor, and biggest Tea Party rabble rouser is motivated to work long and hard on a 367 word attempt to influence the Democratic Primary, you know that the candidate who is being attacked is doing something right.

Ms. Galvin’s remarks in response to Mr. Schilling:

“I do indeed take Mr. Schilling’s mock endorsement as a compliment; after all, he’s made it clear that I am the candidate in the race whom he most fears! Now that’s a novelty for someone who is only 5’2”.”

Ms. Galvin continued,

“Although Mr. Schilling was writing political satire, and we had a good chuckle about it while we were working on the campaign today, I do regard it as something of a challenge to live up to the comparison with two former Democratic Mayors, David Brown and Maurice Cox (who is also an architecture professor).  I’m a proud Democrat running in the Democratic primary in a city that voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama, Tom Perriello, Creigh Deeds, and David Toscano; why wouldn’t I be proud to be the subject of an attack by that same city’s most vocal right-wing gadfly?”

Authorized by Galvin for Council

VOTE GALVIN – Greener • Smarter • Stronger

… by design


  1. Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

    And also

    Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

    You sit in the seat of the scornful two hours a day Monday through Friday, Rob. Oh, I know, you just have a sense of humor and your critics don’t. Well I hope the good Lord buys that line.

    When will the scornful Christian Right be born again?

  2. Is Galvin the candidate with the ad where she says she has seen neighborhoods bulldozed in the name of urban renewal. Very slick. Sounds like she’s distinguishing herself from the rest of the field. But in the last decade Jennifer McKeever is the only Democrat to oppose urban renewal of any neighborhood. Of course she lost to urban renewal supporters Satyendra Huja, David Brown and Holly Edwards.

    Build the new dam and stop calling people liars and stupid if they disagree…Richard Lloyd on air now. Generally people project outward…dishonest people are cynical and honest people are naive. So naturally water supply opponents accuse supporters of all manner of evil.

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