Following is a statement of political endorsement by Rob Schilling, former Charlottesville Republican City Councilor (2002-2006) and current host of WINA’s The Schilling Show:

Kathy Galvin is a perfect reinstatement of the retiring David Brown whose pedantic bromides from the council dais will be sorely missed by the public and by his colleagues, alike. Galvin’s proven ability to bring tedium will ensure council meetings span ample time, and thus, do not end abruptly.  Like Brown, Kathy has demonstrated willingness to receive guidance and direction from experienced party elders, well versed in the manipulation of Charlottesville’s political, economic, and social currents.

Kathy Galvin’s savvy prioritization of time and astute selectivity in discussion venue follow a long-standing tradition of her Democrat council predecessors: elected Charlottesville Democrats can ill afford to engage or even respond to those embracing competing political ideologies. Such individuals represent an insignificant, fractional minority of the city’s general population and are a distraction to the public’s business.  Kathy knows that in a true democracy, time is more efficiently spent on issues of importance to the politically like-minded citizen-majority.

Kathy Galvin’s zeal for direct and overt confrontation of political opponents will be advantageous for council service. Often notoriously contentious, Charlottesville’s City Council meetings routinely require citizen reprimand for those who cross the civility line with unwelcome or unnecessarily challenging remarks, inappropriate laughter, and/or public whispering.

Kathy Galvin will fit well in a five-member council. Her recent proposal to reduce the number of Charlottesville School Board members from seven to five, demonstrates Kathy’s quest to serve in a more powerful, consolidated governing body. Like former Mayor Maurice Cox, Kathy knows that good governance thrives in an environment wherein both discussion and representation are limited to a reasonable, digestible quantity.

Kathy Galvin’s intellectual superiority renders her smarter than any one of her competition. Kathy Galvin’s blunt force of personality renders her stronger than any one of her competition. Kathy Galvin’s willingness to sacrifice human interests for those of plants and animals renders her greener than any one of her competition. And most importantly, Kathy Galvin’s open embrace of top-down, central-planning governance shows that by design she will perpetuate Charlottesville’s single-party status quo. There is no reason to consider any other candidate in the August 20 Charlottesville Democratic Firehouse Primary. Kathy Galvin possesses in abundance, every conceivable trait of the archetypical Charlottesville City Councilor.


  1. Dear Rob, This endorsement may be the “difference”
    in a contentious primary race. You might say it
    was galvanizing.

  2. I don’t have enough confidence in the electorate for the majority of people to know that this endorsement is apparently meant to be sarcastic, perhaps unfortunately leading some to follow your endorsement and vote for Galvin, whom I do not believe would serve our community as well as other candidates, particularly Smith, Cannon and Blounte. These three candidates have made powerful and courageous stands against special interests and advocate for an economical water plan that includes dredging which will save both money and our precious Rivanna Resevoire. Hopefully, you can clarify this and truly support the best candidates before it is too late. Thanks for keeping the community on alert.

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