Like establishment Democrats before them, Peter McIntosh, Kathy Galvin, Paul Beyer, and Satyendra Huja all said “no” or did not respond to repeated invitations to share their vision for Charlottesville on The Schilling Show. These political invertebrates stand in stark contrast to dozens of Dems over the years that accepted without reservation (including fellow 2011 City Council candidates, Dede Smith, James Halfaday, and Brevy Cannon).

Herein lies a musical tribute (audio posted below) to four timid office-seekers, advised by Party bosses not to appear on The Schilling Show—with apologies to Dion DiMucci

Listen to The Schilling Show Singers performing McIntosh, Galvin and Paul:

McIntosh, Galvin and Paul

Anybody here seen my old friend Peter McIntosh?
Can you tell me where he’s gone?
He sued a lot of people
In the Charlottesville court house
But invite him on the Schilling Show and he’s gone

Has anybody here seen my old friend Kathy Galvin?
Can you tell me where she’s gone?
She spent a lot of money
On the Charlottesville School Board
But invite her on the Schilling Show and she’s gone

Anybody here seen my old friend Paul Beyer?
Can you tell me where he’s gone?
He built a lot of houses
In that old Charlottesville
But invite him on the Schilling Show and he’s gone

Did you love anything they stood for?
Didn’t they try to buy some votes from you and me?
But they’re not free
Some day soon, maybe on the Schilling Show…

Anybody here seen my old friend Huja?
We he ever take my call?
He’s tricked a lot of people in old Charlottesville
With McIntosh, Galvin and Paul



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