A surprise guest fortuitously was present for the Jefferson Area Tea Party’s 2011 Tax Day Rally: Charlottesville Mayor Dave Norris (Norris the Red).

Arriving at the Downtown Mall rally site shortly after former Charlottesville City Councilor Rob Schilling publicly invoked his name, Norris witnessed much of Schilling’s scathing 10-minute dissertation. The ruddy Mayor was lectured on corruption in local government; fraudulent, wasteful spending in Charlottesville City Hall; and racial injustices perpetrated by Charlottesville Democrats during their decades-long death-grip on power.

While “Norris the Red” retreated just prior to the parley’s conclusion, an event observer wryly noted the Mayor’s agitation over Schilling’s condemnations: “…there was ‘red smoke’ coming from Norris’ beard.”

The fiery speech, primarily composed to inflame the constitutional passions of liberty-minded, modern-day patriots unexpectedly beset a felicitous audience of one—Marxist Mayor Dave Norris—who after receiving a thorough shellacking at the hands of his political antipode, most certainly departed the venue “seeing red.”

Watch Rob Schilling’s Tax Day Tea Party 2011 remarks (video courtesy of Rick Sincere):


  1. Hi Gary,

    The speech was delivered from bullet points so no formal written text exists. Sorry…

  2. Cute rabble-rousing headline, but since you gave the speech outdoors in a public place, anyone could come and go as they please. Hardly an “infiltration”.

  3. Cute rabble-rousing headline, but since you gave the speech outdoors in a public place, anyone could come and go as they please. Hardly an “infiltration”.

    You said it, SunnyB. Honest rhetoric indicates an honest heart. Dishonest rhetoric . . .

    It’s so sad to listen to Rob’s show and read his blog and time and again come across self-serving language. Did Norris “retreat,” or did he just have a dinner date perhaps? Are conservatives the only “patriots” in America today? How could Norris have received a “shellacking” if he didn’t even have a chance to reply? O Christian Right, where art thou?

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