Albemarle County School Board Chair, Steve Koleszar (a Democrat in independents’ clothing), has for the past five months been a stalwart patron of the Albemarle GOP monthly breakfast meetings—much to the bewilderment of local Republican leadership and regular breakfast attendees.

When queried, Koleszar claimed his presence was an attempt to depolarize local politics and to open dialogue between various interest groups.

But, Sneaky Steve may possess more sinister motive for his ostensibly benign representation. Embedded moles within the Albemarle County Democratic Committee say the Chairman is preparing a move up the political food chain.

Reportedly, Koleszar covets the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors’ Scottsville seat, held by traditional Democrat, Lindsay Dorrier, Jr., who recently declared his board retirement. However, Koleszar’s pending announcement is contingent upon Albemarle County redistricting, now in progress: it is conceivable that his present address could land outside redrawn Scottsville district borders.

First elected to the school board in 1999, in 2005 Democrat Koleszar mounted an unsuccessful challenge to then and current incumbent Republican, Rob Bell, for the Virginia House of Delegates’ 58th district seat. That failure did not deter Koleszar’s pursuit of a leftist agenda, as he has remained a consistent voice of progressive Marxism on the school board.

Should Chairman Koleszar succeed in his quest for the Scottsville seat, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors would take a hard swing to the political left.  Subsequently, and to the chagrin of concerned county taxpayers, his consistent support for tax increases would be all but certain.

Whether Koleszar ultimately qualifies and whether he faces intra-party challenges are unknowns. But, his seniority within the Democrat party, his relatively high name-recognition, and the increasingly left-leaning nature of the Scottsville district make Sneaky Steve a real contender, should the boundary lines fall his way.


  1. He is trying to use Republican jargon to get more votes. Of course his meanings will be different from what other people mean and therefore will be misleading.

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