Fortuitously, a conspicuous “for lease” sign recently has materialized in front of Charlottesville’s premier abortion mill—the euphemistically named, Planned Parenthood—indicating there may be trouble brewing in “abortionland.”

The readily available “office space,” located inside the existing Planned Parenthood building at 2964 Hydraulic Road, is benignly described by listing agent, Downer & Associates, as follows:

[table id=5 /]

If leased at the full asking price and for the full term, the sublet would relieve Planned Parenthood of roughly $17,000 in annual costs for three years—(blood) money they desperately may need for institutional survival.

While the building’s landlord has agreed to provide separate entry for a new occupant, mainstream businesses may hesitate in committing to co-tenancy at the controversial location, where scores of babies are “terminated” each year (and which recently targeted in a nationally publicized video “sting” operation).

From another perspective the “lease” sign could be a harbinger, as the Virginia Senate’s timely passage of SB 924 will impose long overdue medical standards on Virginia’s 21 abortuaries. If Planned Parenthood is unable to meet the new state protocol, the building currently housing this abominable “health center,” may itself exchange a shameful past for a new “lease” on life.

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