The elected Charlottesville School Board will meet in secret this evening to fill a vacancy—via appointment— created by the unexpected resignation of Dr. Alvin Edwards.

Five candidates applied for Edwards’ seat: Grant Brownrigg, Guian McKee, Ann J. Smith, Eve Solomon, and Sherman White, Sr.

Each contestant was afforded an opportunity to appear on The Schilling Show. Brownrigg, McKee, and White accepted the invitation. Smith responded but was unable to participate due to scheduling constraints. Eve Solomon did not reply.

Based on analysis of candidate demographics, applicant work experience, community sensitivities, and political inner-workings of the board, The Schilling Show predicts: The Charlottesville School Board will appoint Ann J. Smith to replace Dr. Alvin Edwards.


  1. Rob, you write:
    Based on analysis of candidate demographics, applicant work experience, community sensitivities, and political inner-workings of the board, The Schilling Show predicts: The Charlottesville School Board will appoint Ann J. Smith to replace Dr. Alvin Edwards.

    If Ann J. Smith is, indeed, appointed, could you elaborate on the above?

  2. Rob,
    While you may have been incorrect in your prediction, it is highly doubtful that without the exposure that the chosen candidate received on your show, the results would almost certainly have been otherwise. Congratulations on your show once again being a “light in the darkness” and serving this community.

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