Thanks to a stealthy tip-off by an astute audience member, the unhinged, Perriello-loving, progressive attack-dog featured in last week’s Schilling Show All Points Bulletin has been identified.

The following clue was submitted to The Schilling Show for forensic analysis:

Lennon said “here’s a clue for you all….”

He who is thoughtful, may find the key!!!

She was taken suddenly on the Pont de l’Alma!

And she may be on FB with her favorite honey wine which is an alcoholic beverage, made from honey and water via fermentation with yeast.


Taken on the Pont de l’Alma? That would be Diana (as in Princess).

Honey wine which is an alcoholic beverage, made from honey and water via fermentation with yeast? That would be Mead!

It just so happens that a woman from Charlottesville (with that amalgamated name) has a Facebook page featuring a profile picture stunningly similar to the photograph captured at last week’s Americans for Prosperity rally assault (see below).

Additional affirmation in confirming her identity: she recently posted a “Thank you, George Soros” accolade on her Facebook wall. (Recall that she was yelling “yea, George Soros” at the infamous AFP event.)

Like the FBI, The Schilling Show Blog and News always gets its (wo)man. Thanks to all who helped crack this case.

P.S. We note the delicious irony contained in the final line of “Princess” Diana’s Facebook post:

“We call on the Tea Party to repudiate extremists among their ranks and join in civil dialogue with all Americans.” [Emphasis added.]

See the incriminating evidence; you be the judge:


  1. I am never more entertained by the liberal loonies, then when they are ensnared by their own dogmatic ideology. By her own words, she should now repudiate herself from her party of interest, in as much as she has violated the very bedrock ideals that her group is allegedly prediacted upon. Will she, highly doubtful. An aplogly forthcoming, don’t hold your breath.

    Rob, once again evrything you have said via the air waves and your blog site has been wholly and totally legitimate. Her FB page is in complete agreement with her actions at the AFP rally. No other excuses can be fabricated nor manufactured. Great job. You are indeed a light in the community. Keep shinning!!!!

  2. I am sure she expected to be identified since Cville is such a small town. I wonder what Ken (the Democrat) has to say about this.

  3. Cville Eye, I’ve already commented elsewhere. I think anyone who acts like that is probably either troubled or is under a lot of stress. I don’t think making sport of people is the way to change their behavior — I think it’s cruel. And I think everyone, Rob included, needs mercy some times.

  4. Mercy is only effective when it is accompanied by repentance of the individual receiving the mercy. Mercy can be shown to a thief, but if the thief has not learned the error of his ways, and steals again, what good is mercy? It only serves to contribute futher to the disruption of society. So it is with political correctness. It has become so pervasive that it impacts all levels of our society and impedes our communication with others. What is the point? Why has this worthless concept and practice become so prevalent?

    The Bible address such “modern” concepts? Actually, God’s Word gives very specific instruction on the motives that drive this dumb idea.

    The movement toward political correctness is an attempt to reshape society through intimidation and coercion, to promote feminist ideas and to silence opposing views. Being politically correct inhibits good communication because it deliberately perverts the meaning of words and phrases.

    King Solomon, in ancient times, wrote on this very subject: “Listen, for I will speak of excellent things, and from the opening of my lips will come right things; for my mouth will speak truth; wickedness is an abomination to my lips. All the words of my mouth are with righteousness; nothing crooked or perverse is in them. They are all plain to him who understands, and right to those who find knowledge” (Proverbs 8:6-9).

    This instruction does not leave any room for “spin” or for obfuscating the truth.

    In Moses’s time, the instruction was to speak plainly: “You shall write very plainly on the stones all the words of this law” (Deuteronomy 27:8). One of those laws is: “You shall not bear false witness” (Exodus 20:16).

    Down through time, this instruction has not changed. Notice the words of the disciples as Jesus spoke to them: “His disciples said to Him, ‘See, now You are speaking plainly, and using no figure of speech!’” (John 16:29). Jesus also taught that we should speak plainly. “But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ be ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one” (Matthew 5:37).

    If one desires to receive such mercy, then let them apply the characteristics penned by David in Psalm 19:14. “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.”

  5. “Patriot,” as far as mercy goes, you’re making excuses. Our place is to show mercy and understanding to each other when we sin, not to play God and try to judge who will repent or not. To put it another way, “forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

    As for political correctness, yeah it stinks, and if you think conservatives haven’t been just as intimidating and coercive and in that respect inhibiting of good communication, when they’ve been in power, you’re naive in the extreme. Your political leaders tell half truths 7 days a week, just like liberals. Your shit stinks too.

  6. Perhaps, however, I have always kept mine in my bathroom, not attempt to force it down the throats of others, as your leaders have done. Therein lies the fundamental difference. Some folks just want to live a free and righteous life, and allow others to do the same. Unfortunately, some desire to spread chaos and tyranny through the illusion of freedom. I do not subscribe to any human ideology. I do not believe that any human institution nor political party can bring about a utopia. I believe only in the revealed truth, as imparted to us by the one true God, communicated to His creation man, through His word.

    Can you, in any realm of believable logic and honesty, truly state that our society is better off now, then say a half century ago? The statistical abstracts do not support that belief. Our society was once productive and ordered. We knew, without question, how to define a family. How to define marriage. Our women and children were looked upon to be protected, not preyed upon. Now, what do we witness? Chaos. Murder, rape, theft, out-of-wedlock births, alcohol and drug abuse, etc, etc. And why? Because some wanted to imagine there was no heaven, to act upon their uncontrolled and undisciplined passions, and in order to achieve absolution for their disobedience, they preverted our society and our government, and spread the infection that is generated amongst a people, who have freedom without purpose.

    Yeah, yours is abundantly and most profoundly aromatic, and is laced wtih the same scent of sulphur that Lot and his family probably caught a whiff of.

  7. Patriot, first of all, if you want to debate, please don’t debate with a straw man. I’m a pro-life and pro-nuclear family, Bible-believing Christian. Always have been.

    Secondly, I’ll bet you don’t want to believe this, but a lot of my fellow Democrats can say the same. As long as you’re dividing people into two camps, the righteous, freedom loving, patriotic sheep and the unrighteous, tyranny loving, America hating, Marxist goats, you’re in fantasy land. Let God judge – we’re not up to the job.

    Third, you’re still dreaming when you say that you don’t subscribe to any human ideology. Where in the Bible does God reveal that he’s a political conservative? Yes he condemns sexual immorality and wild living, but he also commands us to feed the hungry and heal the sick, and to seek justice, none of which the private sector can do adequately by itself. If churches and charitable organizations alone could care for the needy and stand up to big businesses that exploit their workers and drive out small competitors and rape the land, I’d probably be a Republican. There is a highly respectable case to be made for small government and state sovereignty, and against the welfare sate. But Jesus didn’t make it. That wasn’t his issue. And when you confuse your man-made, political ideology with revealed truth and judge your opponents accordingly, you’re not righteous, you’re self-righteous. And self-deluded.

    Can you, in any realm of believable logic and honesty, truly state that our society is better off now, then say a half century ago?

    In what respect? For what members of society? Some things are much worse, and others are much better. Liberalism is responsible for the so-called pornification of culture, yes, and for the ridiculous notion that religious values should be put aside in matters of public policy. But it’s also responsible for equal rights – for far greater freedom, which is supposed to be a conservative goal – for women and for African-Americans. It’s also responsible for the environmental movement, which takes seriously our God-given role as stewards of the Earth, and our responsibility towards future generations.

  8. Again, therein lies the problem. Those of us who believe in everything you have just espoused, are unable to be charitable and to contribute to those we see in need. Why? Because we are overly taxed already. When was charitable giving at its best in recent memory? During those evil dark Reagan years. Why? Reducing taxes meant more in the pockets of John and Joan Citizen, who, in turn, were able to meet their living needs, and were more able to give. When does charitable giving dry up? Times like now. Which in turn means government needs to do more, causing an increase in taxes, which causes even less charitable giving. Like a snake eating its tail, eventurally it consumes itself.

    So yes, the private sector cannot heal the sick and feed the poor and seek justice, when the juggernaut of government sucks dry the blood of giving.

    In regards to equal rights, sure for people of color. but we are now applying equal rights, or special rights, to things outside of the “law of nature, and natures God'” Thomas Jefferson in the Declaraation. Where else in nature do we see examples of abortion or same sex unions? We don not, for it is not natural. So while we make one small step for good, we take a giant leap towards evil and destruction. I did not make the rules, God did. I simply endeavour to follow them.

  9. Homosexuality does occur in nature. Google the subject if you don’t believe me.

    In regards to equal rights, sure for people of color. but we are now applying equal rights, or special rights, to things outside of the “law of nature, and natures God’”

    I don’t think that equal rights for women and African-Americans is just “one small step for good,” and if you want to try to weigh good and evil there (which I don’t think can be done), stop and consider how many gays even want to marry. Now consider how many women and blacks there are in this country. Anyhow, any Christian who argues that the Bible condemns homosexuality per se as opposed to promiscuity needs to note the phenomenon of loving, committed, stable gay families, and then to grapple with the arguments of scholars that such arrangements were unknown in ancient times, and that the homosexuality condemned in Scripture was inherently exploitative.

    Charitable giving declines during recessions, but as you know, many Republicans are very well off. They aren’t unable to give more; like the rest of us, they’re too selfish to give more. Do you personally know anyone who lives much more modestly than they need to in order to obey the biblical injunctions to care for the needy? If we won’t do all we can, I say we deserve, and the needy deserve, that we be taxed for it. No the government can’t create utopia, but it can sometimes counter the effects of sin.

    In regards to seeking justice, private citizens can rarely prevail against big corporations. Who made BP promise all those reparations? The Obama administration did, and some conservatives even criticized it for doing so. Conservatives tend to favor big business. Liberals favor the little guy. In that respect, conservatives favor the powerful, while liberals favor the powerless. Reading the Old Testament, there is no question who God favors.

  10. Anyhow, any Christian who argues that the Bible condemns homosexuality per se as opposed to promiscuity needs to note the phenomenon of loving, committed, stable gay families, and then to grapple with the arguments of scholars that such arrangements were unknown in ancient times, and that the homosexuality condemned in Scripture was inherently exploitative.

    Leviticus 18:22
    22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

    Leviticus 20:13
    13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them

    Deuteronomy 23:17
    17 There shall be no whorec of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel

    Romans 1:24
    24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves

    Romans 1:26
    26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

    Romans 1:27
    27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

    1 Corinthians 6:9
    9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

    Carefully and soberly considered, I do not see a lot of wiggle room. It appears to be pretty staright forward to me.The Bible outlaws unnatural sex acts (such as homosexuality). God knows that these things will destroy a nation.It has contributed to the destruction of other nations. This is a crime against morality—in other words, a crime challenging the God-given order for human society.

    Do you personally know anyone who lives much more modestly than they need to in order to obey the biblical injunctions to care for the needy? If we won’t do all we can, I say we deserve, and the needy deserve, that we be taxed for it. No the government can’t create utopia, but it can sometimes counter the effects of sin.

    Statistics have shown that conservatives out give liberals in charitable giving. Why? Because liberals tend to keep their own fortunes in their back pockets, because they feel they have done enough for the down trodden with someone elses hard earned money. Why do liberals stand in the way of school vouchers? Why do liberals stand in the way of character and spiritual education in the schools. I dare say, that if we were to promote and allow the ease of access to the word of God in kindergarten, as we so freely do for those in prison, there would be a diminished need for the latter.

    Conservatives tend to favor big business. Liberals favor the little guy. In that respect, conservatives favor the powerful, while liberals favor the powerless. Reading the Old Testament, there is no question who God favors

    Indeed. History has demonstrated that liberals create the powerless by advocating negative lifestyles that promote chaos in society,such as the destruction of traditional families and in the same breath, promise the powerless even less power, by taking from the productive to award the unproductive, and promote their continued lack of productivity. Be it Old Testament or be it New, God favors those who seek righteousness.

  11. Ken, the ideology, which you espouse, is, in our modern age of political correctness, tragically not uncommon. Regrettably, society finds in increasing number, various Christians, including many noted ministers and evangelists, snuggling up to the detractors of the United States of America. Political correctness has descended upon this nation with a near fatal impact and all too often, it is Christian leaders who are leading the assault.

    Warning the people of England about the lethal results of embracing Christian Socialism, Charles Spurgeon stated: “I would not have you exchange the gold of individual Christianity for the base metal of Christian Socialism.” When one understands that virtually every radical socialist and communist in the United States at this crucial time in America has joined in the struggle against our great nation, the words of Spurgeon, begin to have real meaning.

    In 1894 Robert Ingersoll, a radical and a free thinker (the 19th century equivalent of today’s secular humanists) gave an address in which he defended Abraham Lincoln’s legacy. He made a most revealing statement about why the Southern War for Independence was fought: “The great stumblingblock, the great obstruction in Lincoln’s way and in the way of thousands, was the old doctrine of State’s Rights.” Removing this “stumbling block” to the growth of big government was the very reason that none other than Adolph Hitler heaped praise upon Lincoln. Hitler also had to remove the last vestiges of what he called “Statal Rights” before he could establish his “perpetual and supreme” Reich. Marx’s philosophical twin, Fredrick Engels, told Joseph Weydemeyer, a fellow communist, and a future government leader, that by forging one large and “indivisible” republic instead of many small republics, they would establish the ground work for the communist movement.

    With the death of Real State’s Rights, every thing that the advocates of big government desired became not only possible but also inevitable. Today nationalized banking is a reality; abortion on demand in any State is a reality; the removal of the Ten Commandments from a State building by Federal authorities is a reality. All of this happened because real State’s Rights was destroyed by Lincoln’s war—a war fought not to end slavery but to end REAL State’s Rights. This is reality in modern America. When you make the statement, “If we won’t do all we can, I say we deserve, and the needy deserve, that we be taxed for it. No the government can’t create utopia, but it can sometimes counter the effects of sin.” You confirm that reality. A reality that was praised by Hitler and made possible by Lincoln, Marx, Engels and a host of other free thinkers. Marching with Lincoln and Marx is tantamount to exchanging the gold of Constitutionally limited government for the base metal of Federal empire.

  12. Patriot, I know all those verses. You seem to think that by merely noting them, you’ve rebutted those scholars. I don’t think you’ve actually addressed their argument at all. Nor do I see the scripture saying that one sin alone, presuming it is a sin, destroys a nation. What nation homosexuality has destroyed? Where is your evidence? C.S. Lewis thought that pride was the worst sin, and sexual sins were less serious. That makes sense to me.

    In regards to charitable giving, you’re right that the only guy, apparently, who has studied the issue, does say that conservatives out-give liberals. I’ve cited his findings myself. But we can only guess why, and the fact remains that private giving does not and under no circumstance would meet all the need.

    I dare say, that if we were to promote and allow the ease of access to the word of God in kindergarten, as we so freely do for those in prison, there would be a diminished need for the latter.

    Well, guess what? This is a pluralistic society, and we have something called the separation of church and state as well. Curricula can be written and taught in such a way that religion is respected and its historical influence for good is taught, not just the harm it’s done. But promoting one religion over the others in public schools would neither be respectful nor constitutional.

    History has demonstrated that liberals create the powerless by advocating negative lifestyles

    Again, there are many Christian liberals who do no such thing. Which brings us to the ideology I supposedly espouse. You keep trying to pigeonhole me but you’re getting my thinking, and the thinking of many other left of center people, wildly wrong. That’s what comes of listening to the Schilling Show and/or FOX News and other right wing radio shows without balancing them with liberal sources. Enough said there.

    I’m not sure you understand what the term “political correctness” means though. It is not espousing liberal positions. It is espousing liberal positions that fall under the rubric of “tolerance,” because you’ve picked them up uncritically from Hollywood and the liberal media, and/or because you’ve been taught they are the only respectable positions. The motive and the means of arriving at a position is what makes it PC or not. So in that sense there is such a thing as conservative political correctness, and it’s rampant on the Right. Take this whole Constitution fetish — how many of you had even read the darn thing since high school or college before Obama was elected? And now you all claim to hold it dear, and you’re rushing to read up on how Obama is shredding it. How many of you can explain the counter arguments? I’ve defended conservatives against liberal ignorance and groupthink many, many times. I can recognize the same excuses for honest thought when I see it on your side.

    One more thing: if you want to be taken seriously, don’t try to link the thinking of your political opponents to that of Hitler. That’s silly when the Left does it (some say Hitler was a Christian) and silly when you do it.

  13. @Rob, Cville Eye, Ken et al: I *have* received a very warm and sincere apology from her; she simply “lost it” as a very passionate partisan and sends her apologies through me to all who were offended. I have accepted this apology and have welcomed her at the polls to work “against” me anytime. She’s acknowledged that her behavior was wrong and she’s embarrassed, so let’s let it go now. I would ask that Rob would remove this string as an act of forgiveness.

  14. What a fine ending to a sorry story, Randolph, and what an admirable example you’ve set. Thanks for letting us know, and I add my voice to your request.

  15. Forgive is not forget. The grace of one’s heart need not be tied to an attempt to erase history of events, does it? I think this should stand as is, as it appears to be the only media source that chose to cover it, in any form, yet I know others were well aware of it. If this had been a Conservative loony-toon, I really cannot imagine that the same request would be made. In a short time it will fall back a few pages and probably get little if any attention. Let it be. I am glad to hear that she stepped up and made her apology where it was needed. It is nice to hear of an honorable person. We all stuff up from time to time.

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