In  an extremely embarrassing case of “loose lips” syndrome, an unknown female staffer—apparently in the employ of Democrat Congressman Tom Perriello—launched into a post-event screed, including a profanity-laced evaluation of independent Jeff Clark’s performance in the Senior Statesmen of Virginia debate, held in Charlottesville today.

While the anti-Clark invective was not itself recorded by The Schilling Show, it was witnessed potentially by up to 19 other people, as shown in the accompanying screen shot. The web site capture (see above) portrays Perriello’s panicked mystery-minion with the words, “20 viewers / On Air” evidenced below the live Internet stream picture.

In this Schilling Show exclusive audio recording, the bumbling blonde hireling is heard asking “Am I live-streaming on our web site?” And upon realization that her untoward comments had just been broadcast, she hysterically giggles, “Oh my god, I’m going to get fired now.”

An off-camera male accomplice first tries to assure his frantic friend that the camera was not “live,” and then both realize that they were potentially “caught on tape” in a “Macaca Moment!”

Hear The Schilling Show’s exclusive audio of two young Perriello-Marxists caught in a bind:

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