perriello-filmstrip-150x150You heard it first on The Schilling Show Blog and News!

In a March 16, 2010 Washington, D.C. meeting with members of the Jefferson Area TEA Party, Democrat Congressman Tom Perriello (VA CD-05), was instructing constituents via a mini-dissertation on Congressional spending. While addressing the crowd, he veered off into uncharted territory: Congressional stealing!

In this remarkable clip by videographer Audrey Welborn, Tom Perriello finally tells the truth as he frankly affirms about Congress, “If you don’t tie our hands, we will keep stealing.”

Hear Truthful Tom in his own words, in this exclusive Schilling Show video:


Update: Story now going national and featured on Michelle Malkin’s site.


  1. […] A congressional thief makes a true confession. Watch Democrat Rep. Tom Perriello of Virginia rat out his profession. Put it on a bumper sticker. If we don’t tie their hands, they will keep stealing — from us, from our kids, from our grandkids. And so on. And so on. And so on. (Via Welborn Freedom Watch, hat tip: Christinakb, Schilling Show) […]

  2. […] A congressional thief makes a true confession. Watch Democrat Rep. Tom Perriello of Virginia rat out his profession. Put it on a bumper sticker. If we don’t tie their hands, they will keep stealing — from us, from our kids, from our grandkids. And so on. And so on. And so on. (Via Welborn Freedom Watch, hat tip: Christinakb, Schilling Show) […]

  3. […] The video, whose content also has been discussed nationally on Fox News’ Sean Hannity television program and Lars Larson’s radio show, features exclusive footage of Democrat Congressman Tom Perriello (Virginia, CD-05) lecturing a group of TEA Party constituents on the benefits of socialized health care. In the midst of his dissertation, Perriello stated bluntly, “If you don’t tie our hands, we will keep stealing.” […]

  4. For the past 2 years every piece of mail I send is affixed with a postage stamp of the US Flag upside down; the International Sign of Distress. A stamp in red color points to the flag with the words: A Nation In Distress. Stop Goverment Stealing. Make your stamp. Send your message with every piece of mail you send.

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